Brand: Arthur Andrew Medical

Syntol 360 capsules

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Product Description

Arthur Andrew Medical Syntol

Syntol contains a combination of probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes to be the first and only gentle yeast cleanse of its kind.

Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast colonies, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection. People with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria. Prebiotics are soluble fibers that stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial flora. Syntol contains inulin as its prebiotic which is completely resistant to bodily digestion, able to pass safely through the stomach and into the intestine where it stimulates the growth of probiotics and bifidobacteria by fermenting and creating the ideal conditions for microflora colonization. The enzyme yeast cleanse is beneficial for the breaking down of dead and decaying yeast. This allows the body to remove the toxic yeast before it has a chance to ferment and release chemicals such as formaldehyde that are known to cause uncomfortable detox symptoms.

There is a single layer of cells between the bloodstream and the digestive waste products in our intestines. When the intestines are inhabited with normal, normal bacterial flora, this close proximity is not a problem. The powerful digestive immune system is designed to swiftly remove toxins when a threat to the body is detected. The more waste that accumulates from a poor diet, low-grade inflammation, and/or abnormal or pathogenic bacteria, the bigger the challenge to determine what is helpful or harmful. The result of waste accumulating in the intestines will increase immune complexing and autoimmune reactivity throughout the body. Syntol directly addresses these causative factors with proteolytic enzymes and probiotics to break down harmful proteins and yeast, remove pathogens and normalize intestinal bacterial flora.

Syntol contains 3.4 Billion CFUs (Colony Forming Units) of various non-competing strains of bacteria. One of these strains is the potent B. subtilis that is a spore forming bacteria. Spore germination is a dependable means of delivering normal flora to the intestine in less than ideal conditions. Most bacteria are susceptible to any acidic pH range, mainly thriving in the more alkaline lower GI, but spores are able to withstand a broader range of variables in regards to pH and temperature ranges. This improves the chances that the probiotic strain will properly germinate and begin the process of restoring intestinal balance.

Syntol Yeast Cleanse

Yeast thrives in extremely anaerobic (non oxygenated) conditions. Syntol facilitates an extremely oxygenated environment, preventing the growth of additional yeast colonies and providing the perfect conditions for indigenous bacterial growth. This is accomplished by the Lactobacillus family of microflora included in the formula, which have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide as their byproduct. This acts as a poison to the yeast, effectively killing colonies of excessive yeast throughout the intestine. In addition, Syntol is extremely effective at removing Candida yeasts that have already attached to the digestive tract. Candida albicans are composed of an outer protective protein layer. Under this shell, Candida is primarily composed of cellulose (their cell walls) and N-acetyl-glucosamine. Syntol uses the extremely potent blend of protease (protein digesting), cellulase and hemicellulase (cellulose digesting), glucoamylase and amylase (breaks down sugars), and serrapeptase. These enzymes strip away the Candida's protective protein shell and begin digesting its cellular infrastructure. Syntol contains this powerful intestinal cleanse to assist in the removal of dead yeast and other bad bacteria from the body. This will protect the body from experiencing detox symptoms from toxins typically given off from the elimination of yeast.

Syntol FAQ's

What is Syntol?

Syntol AMD is a powerful combination of non-competing probiotics and prebiotics that facilitate an extremely oxygen-rich environment, preventing the growth of yeast colonies and providing the perfect conditions for indigenous bacterial growth. In addition, Syntol AMD also contains a powerful enzyme blend that is capable of removing dead yeast, bad bacteria and toxins from the body.

Is Syntol Gluten Free?

Syntol does not contain gluten. It is free of soy, wheat, tree nuts, dairy, and shellfish. Syntol is vegan friendly.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are medically referred to as a group of "friendly bacteria", or "microflora". Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection. People with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria and pathogens, and inhibit the negative effects of constant antibiotic overexposure.

What are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are essentially the food source for probiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that pass through your digestive tract until they reach the large intestine, where they then feed the beneficial microflora. Supplementing with a prebiotic such as inulin (contained in Syntol) on its own has been clinically shown to increase the body's levels of natural microflora. Supplementing prebiotics together with probiotics provides one's body with the best opportunity to regain gastrointestinal and immune health.

Why Syntol?

Syntol contains 3.4 billion CFU's of 100% complementary microflora and spore-germinating probiotics per capsule. To stimulate the growth and activity of the probiotics, Inulin, a non-digestible fiber has been added as a prebiotic. In addition to beneficial microflora, Syntol also contains a powerful enzyme blend designed to clear yeast and other unwanted debris out of the intestinal tract, making Syntol much stronger than competing yeast cleanses on the market. Syntol is the only of its kind, containing prebiotics, probiotics and an enzyme blend all in one capsule.

How Does Syntol Work?

Syntol AMD uses spore germination technology, a revolutionary new process that delivers probiotic spores rather than living bacteria. Probiotic spores are dormant life forms that protect the bacteria from acidic conditions, as well as extreme heat and cold. These spores, along with the potent probiotics, attach themselves to the inside of the intestinal mucosa and begin to germinate, allowing for complete microflora colonization. In addition, the enzyme yeast cleanse will help to break down any dead fungus or toxic materials remaining in the intestinal tract, allowing for a complete eradication of unwanted debris.

What is Candida?

Various strains of candida are naturally found in the human body. With normal levels of microflora, these yeast strains live in perfect harmony within the intestine, however, poor diet and other factors can cause candida overgrowth. Some doctors argue that 60 to 80 percent of the US population may be affected by an overgrowth of Candida yeast. Eventually, these yeast strains can begin to turn "parasitic", robbing our bodies of our resources for their own benefit.

Over time, Candida can begin developing plantlike roots that penetrate and attach themselves to the inside of the intestinal wall. These roots can dig deep enough to cause permeability (leakage) in the intestinal tract and allow toxic material to flow into the blood. Candida is comprised of an outer protective protein layer and primarily cellulose and N-acetyl-glucosamine (Chitin) under it, making it very difficult for the body to break down and eliminate naturally. Syntol contains a powerful enzyme blend necessary to strip away the protective protein shell and begin digesting the cellular infrastructure of the Candida.

Do I Need To Take Syntol Forever?

For therapeutic benefit, most people find that a minimum of one month of supplementation is necessary, with the best results occurring one to two months thereafter. Many people find that a maintenance dose of Syntol is a great addition to their daily regimen to keep their body in balance once normal.

Does Syntol Need To Be Refrigerated?

Refrigeration of Syntol is not necessary. The advanced spore germination technology and freeze dried bacterial strains allow for a shelf stable product. However, it is important to store probiotics in a cool and dry place.

Is Syntol Safe?

No serious or adverse side effects have been reported from taking probiotics or enzymes such as those in Syntol.

Syntol Suggested Use

Directions: Take 1 to 4 capsules with 8 oz of water between meals or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. For therapeutic results, take 3 or 4 capsules three times daily.

Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision, please contact your healthcare provider prior to using this product.

Is Syntol safe?

No serious or adverse side effects have been reported from taking probiotics or enzymes such as those in Syntol.

When is the best time to take Syntol?

For best results, take the product at least one hour prior to eating and/or two hours after a meal.

Can I take Syntol with other supplements?

Syntol can be used safely with other dietary supplements.

How long does it take for Syntol to work?

Typically, supplementing the product for a minimum of a month's time is recommended, with the best results occurring anywhere from one to two months thereafter.

Can I use Syntol while I am taking antibiotics?

Some doctors feel it is best to wait until an antibiotic regimen is over before taking a probiotic supplement. Opinions do vary, and some doctors will actually encourage their patients to take probiotics while on antibiotics. For this reason it is always best to contact your healthcare provider with these inquiries.

Syntol Supplement Facts

The benefits of:

Inulin (prebiotic)

Inulin is a fiber that is resistant to digestion and has a very low glycemic index. It has been clinically shown to greatly increase the number of indigenous bacteria in the digestive tract. When Inulin enters the large intestine, it is fermented by the indigenous bacteria, increasing colonization of beneficial microflora.

B. subtilis

Bacillus subtilis is a spore forming bacteria that is widely used as a fungicide. The bacteria colonize the root system of the fungus, leaving no room for fungal disease organisms.

L. helvecticus

Lactobacillus helvecticus is a probiotic that stimulates the immune and digestive system, controls diarrhea, reduces lactose intolerance and can inhibit unfriendly bacteria.

S. boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii is a non-systemic and non-pathogenic yeast originally found in the skins of the lychee and mangosteen fruits. This yeast is an important probiotic that can help to recolonize and sustain flora in the large and small intestine, with a remarkable ability to control various forms of diarrhea.

L. acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a normal bacteria that produces hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid and other substances that create an acidic, unfriendly environment for harmful organisms.

L. rhamnosus

Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a lactic acid producing bacterial strain that is known for its ability to survive in the highly acidic conditions of the stomach as well as the intestines.

L. plantarum

Lactobacillus plantarum is a lactic acid producing bacteria that prevents harmful bacteria from attaching to the mucosal lining and competes for the nutrients the bad bacteria need to survive.

L. lactis

Lactobacillus lactis is a gram-positive bacteria that ferments milk sugar to lactic acid and adds synergistic support to the probiotic blend as a whole.

B. bifidum

Bifidobacterium bifidum naturally inhabits the colon and vagina, and is a very potent probiotic for the balance of microflora in the intestines.

Digestive Yeast Cleanse

Syntol uses the extremely potent blend of protease (protein digesting), cellulase and hemicellulase (cellulose digesting), glucoamylase and amylase (breaks down sugars), and serrapeptase. These enzymes strip away the Candida's protective protein shell and begin digesting its cellular infrastructure. Syntol contains this powerful intestinal cleanse to assist in the removal of dead yeast and other bad bacteria from the body. This will protect the body from experiencing detox symptoms from toxins typically given off from the elimination of yeast.

Syntol 360 capsules Reviews