Chinese Herbs

The individual herbs and herbal formulas that you will find in the online store are used extensively in our clinic.

The reason that Chinese herbs have a reputation for great effectiveness is not because of the herbs themselves. The real reason for the enduring reputation of Chinese herbal science is its unique system of understanding and applying herbs to individual problems. This system differs from the analytic, mechanistic model underlying modern science.

Traditional Chinese herbal science provides insight into the uses of herbs and foods, as well as acupuncture, lifestyle counseling, massage and other modalities.

The companies that manufacture the herbal products that we use, Seven Forest, Health Concerns, and KPC have a rich knowledge and commitment to carrying on the tradition of Traditional Chinese medicine in the quality of their products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Chinese Herbs?

Chinese herbs are a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a comprehensive health system practiced for thousands of years. These herbs are natural substances, including plants, flowers, minerals, Chinese herbal teas, and animal products, used to create Chinese herbal formulas. The practice emphasizes balance and harmony within the body and utilizes these herbs to support health, energy (Qi), and the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang. Chinese herbal therapy, including Honso Chinese herbs, is customized to the individual's condition, focusing on holistic health improvement and disease prevention.

What Are The Potential Health Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine offers many health benefits stemming from its focus on restoring balance and enhancing the body's natural healing capabilities. It bolsters the immune system, improves energy levels, and maintains well-being. Popular health benefits include stress reduction, improved digestive function, and enhanced sleep quality. The adaptogenic properties of many of the best Chinese herbs, like Ginseng, help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect on bodily processes.

What Health Topics Can Chinese Herbs Help To Alleviate?

Chinese herbs can help alleviate many health topics by addressing the root cause and restoring balance within the body. This includes chronic health topics such as allergies, asthma, and inflammation, as well as acute health topics like colds and flu. Other areas where Chinese herbs have shown effectiveness include pain management, fertility issues, digestive disorders, and mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. The specific Chinese classic herbal formula and herbs are tailored to the individual's symptoms and overall constitution.

What Are The Side Effects of Chinese Medicinal Herbs?

While Chinese herbal patent formulas are natural, they are not without potential side effects. These depend greatly on the specific herbs used, the individual's condition, and the dosage. When prescribed and monitored by a qualified practitioner, side effects are minimal. However, patients must communicate openly about their medications and supplements to avoid interactions and ensure safety.

Where Can I Learn More About Chinese Herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine?

To dive deeper into the world of Sun Ten Chinese herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine, our blog at is an excellent resource. It features articles on the health benefits of specific herbs, insights into TCM practices, and advice on integrating these ancient remedies into modern wellness routines.

What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of health and wellness that has evolved over thousands of years. It encompasses a variety of practices, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, qi gong, and dietary therapy, all aimed at enhancing the body's natural healing mechanisms. TCM is based on the concept of Qi (energy flow), with treatments designed to balance Yin and Yang in the body, thus promoting health and preventing illness.

How Long Does It Take Chinese Herbs To Work?

The timeframe for Chinese herbs to show effectiveness can vary widely depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Some may experience relief within days, while others, particularly those with chronic health issues, might see improvement over weeks or months. Consistency and adherence to the prescribed regimen are key to achieving the desired therapeutic effects.

How Often Do You Take Chinese Herbs For Them To Work?

The frequency and duration of taking Chinese herbs depend on the nature of the herbal formula, the condition being treated, and the individual's response to therapy. Typically, a practitioner will provide specific instructions on how often and how long to take the herbal preparation. Following these guidelines is crucial for the herbs to be effective and achieve the best possible health outcomes.