Product Description
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang Capsules
Unit Size: 100 caps
Potency: 5:1 extract granules encapsulated
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Actions: Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, spreads the Liver qi, and unblocks the channels. - Bensky
Pattern: Traumatic injury which results in blood leaving the vessels. - Bensky
English name: Tang-Kuei & Persica Combination Capsules
The use of this formula is appropriate only under the following conditions: the problem must be due to trauma; the pain must be in the chest, hypochondria, or flanks; and the pathology must be one of blood stasis, i.e., the pain should be fixed and should increase with pressure.
* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies
- Rheum Rhizoma (Da Huang) 31.70%
- Bupleurum Radix (Chai Hu) 17.00%
- Trichosanthes Radix (Gua Lou Gen) 9.80%
- Angelica Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 9.80%
- Persica Semen (Tao Ren) 9.80%
- Carthamus Flos (Hong Hua) 7.30%
- Glycyrrhiza Radix (Gan Cao) 7.30%
- Manitis Squama (Chuan Shan Jia) 7.30%