Emerita Progesterone Cream

Emerita Progesterone Cream

Posted by Alison Brooks, ND RRT on Oct 11, 2024

Confidence is important to women of all ages. Whether experiencing fertility issues or menopausal problems, hormonal balance must be retained to remain healthy and happy.

Being healthy and happy is closely related to women’s confidence levels. If you’re confident in yourself and your body, then happiness will come easy. The hormone progesterone plays an important role in the way women feel about themselves due to balance and regulation of their health. Like Estrogen, it’s important to both the young and mature woman.

Surprisingly, both men and women produce a hormone called progesterone. In women, this hormone is produced in the ovaries, in men, the testes. After menopause, a woman's body produces much less progesterone, disrupting balance and negatively influencing mood and health. Women of younger ages sometimes experience an imbalance in this hormone as well affecting fertility, or their menstrual cycle.

A disruption in this hormone can change the natural process of menstruation, and cause symptoms of abnormal bleeding and severe pain from PMS. A progesterone cream could just be the answer to this imbalance, and more.

What is Emerita Progesterone cream?

Emerita wishes to improve women’s health with a quality replacement to this decrease in progesterone. Emerita Pro-gest progesterone cream is a bioidentical substitute for natural progesterone. It helps replace naturally produced hormones with carefully cultivated replacement hormones.

The cream contains 450 mg of progesterone per ounce in most products.  It is used in cases of inconsistencies of nature to induce menstrual periods, used as hormone replacement therapy in menopause, opposing estrogen, and even to soothe symptoms of withdrawal stemming from discontinued drugs. Progesterone can also improve the appearance of skin texture, decreasing wrinkles, elasticity, and texture.

How should you use Progesterone cream?

For more than 40 years, progesterone cream has been trusted by women as a solution to various issues. Since 1978, it’s created the balance needed for a woman’s body and mind. Emerita progesterone cream is easy to use and affordable.

Emerita Pro-gest is user-friendly and can be purchased in many places. By placing ¼ tsp, or 20 mg of cream onto your skin, you can experience a difference in a short time. It takes minutes to start experiencing the results of progesterone as you rub it into your skin.

You simply massage the cream into your inner thighs, chest, or abdomen where it absorbs quickly and goes to work. As the cream enters the system, it begins the process of re-balancing hormones. These hormones then improve the woman’s overall health and energy, not to mention any other imbalances caused by decreases in hormone production.

Although a form of progesterone can be found in natural plants like wild yam, it doesn’t work until properly processed. A form of progesterone can also be found in soy products, but the same applies to these as well. It’s always best to use Emerita pro-gest progesterone cream to solve your problems.

When should you use progesterone cream?

Using progesterone cream varies depending on your reason for using the product. If you are utilizing Emerita progesterone cream for menstrual issues, then there is definitely a certain time you should apply the cream, and a time when you should not, as this can disrupt natural menstrual cycles.

For pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), you should use a quarter tsp at night twice a day about 2 weeks before your menstrual period. Whenever your period is supposed to start, stop using the cream. Most of the time, you won’t need to use the cream during your period unless you still have extreme cramping or migraines. In this case, using the cream sparingly can alleviate the pain.

For pre-menopausal women who still have a menstrual period, use a quarter tsp twice a day at the 8th day of your cycle. Continue this process until your period begins the next time. Again, stop right before the menstruation begins.

If you are already in menopause and haven’t had a period in 12 or more, use a quarter tsp for the first 25 days of the month, stop using for 5-6 days, and then continue at the beginning of the next month.

What does Progesterone cream do for a woman?

Progesterone cream does multiple things for women. As I mentioned before, it’s not just about replacing hormones lost or imbalanced during menopause. Emerita progesterone cream is used to greatly enhance the life of women in so many aspects. Here are a few ways it helps.


Loss of bone density is a common problem for maturing women. As we age, our bones become more and more brittle and are prone to breaking. Progesterone can form new bone by binding to osteoblast receptors. That’s why premenopausal women with decreased bone density also have a decrease in progesterone.

Hot Flashes

Progesterone cream soothes hot flashes, cooling areas of the body that feel like they’re on fire. Hot flashes can be extreme, and this cream provides quite a bit of relief. Note: when using progesterone for hot flashes, it’s recommended that you use the cream every day for 6 days, skipping the 7th day. You can return to the routine afterwards and follow the same pattern.

Sensitive Breasts

There are different reasons why women experience tender breasts, and usually there are few ways to alleviate this discomfort. The good news is, Emerita progesterone cream, when applied around the breasts, can greatly reduce the sensitivities, and allow women to wear clothing without discomfort.


Symptoms of fatigue come from several different issues. The debilitating loss of energy can start during menstrual periods, menopause, and even other unrelated hormonal changes. Progesterone cream can deliver a burst of energy combating this lethargic feeling, quickly getting women back to their normal routine.

Weight Gain

Emerita progesterone cream is also an appetite suppressant, but not a harsh one.  Using this cream when you feel like you’re overeating can curb your appetite. With the added energy, it can help even more with regulating hormones.

Thyroid Problems

Progesterone cream can be used to increase thyroid hormone levels. In order for thyroid levels to be free and get into cells, progesterone must decrease proteins that carry high levels of thyroid hormones into the blood.

Mood and Sleep

As far as mood is concerned, progesterone can elevate feelings of depression and produce healthier sleep habits, even regulating sleep rhythms. If your mood is balanced and soothed, falling asleep comes much easier, as with staying asleep in a regulated and consistent pattern.

Memory Loss

In some cases, mainly concerning younger post-menopausal women, memory can be improved with the use of progesterone cream.

Is Progesterone Cream Safe?

Progesterone cream can alleviate many symptoms and problems but might not be recommended for all women. Remember, every woman has varying factors that contribute to their lifestyles and health. Consulting your physician beforehand is important to ensure that progesterone cream will work for you.

Other overall factors that contribute to this determination are age, medical history, body weight, allergies, and present symptoms in question. These should all be discussed with a professional instead of self-medicating a condition.

While progesterone cream is relatively safe for most women. This is especially true for those who use the product for short term issues. It’s also pretty safe in low doses. But with higher doses for longer periods of time, it could have heightened risks.

Since progesterone is a highly fat-soluble cream, long term usage can cause this hormone to build up in the fatty tissues of the body, potentially causing harm if unchecked. Also, pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, individuals with kidney problems, cancer, mental disorders, clotting issues, migraines, and seizures should avoid using this product.

Basically, checking with your doctor before using Emerita progesterone is always the best decision. To ensure your safety even more, consulting a hormone health practitioner can help you make a wise choice.

Emerita Progesterone Cream Side Effects

Although progesterone can greatly improve life for women, it has a slight risk of various side effects. But as with most, if not all, medications and creams, there will be side effects. And depending on which side effect is present, governs how much it can disrupt your life. Basically, you must weigh the options to understand if Emerita progesterone cream is right for you.

Here are the side effects that may or may not be present after or while using the cream:

  • Vertigo
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Vision changes
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Coughing.

To most people these side effects aren’t that alarming, and the product is well worth the balance of hormones. After all, imbalanced hormones cause more serious mood changes and physical effects in the long term. So, judging for yourself after experiencing Emerita pro-gest progesterone cream is the best way to weigh your risks.

Where to buy Emerita Progesterone Cream

Although you should seek your physician’s advice before you try Emerita progesterone cream, you can find it fairly easy. AcuAtlanta is an authorized seller of Emerita products including their progesterone cream. If you’re a candidate for this product, it can be a life-changer.