MegaSporeBiotic: Benefits, Side Effects & FAQs You Should Know

MegaSporeBiotic: Benefits, Side Effects & FAQs You Should Know

Posted by Staff Writer on Oct 11, 2024

A lot has been written lately about the innumerable health benefits of maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal tract. One of the formulas that have received high praise for its effectiveness in achieving precisely that is MegaSporeBiotic. Here is all you need to know about this miraculous mix of probiotics.

What is MegaSporeBiotic?

MegaSporeBiotic is a MicroBiome Labs flagship product that contains five pharmaceutical-grade bacillus spore strains. It is also the first probiotic formula that introduces a strain which produces powerful carotenoid antioxidants (key nutrients) in the digestive system. Supplementation with a carotenoid-rich probiotic is critical nowadays, considering that people no longer eat sufficient amounts of carotenoids-loaded colored fruits and vegetables.


MegaSporeBiotic is, in other words, a broad-spectrum, 100% spore-based probiotic that has been clinically shown to help maintain the healthy function of the gut barrier. The presence of carotenoids in the formula, which are produced right at the absorption site, also contributes to the maximum uptake of these beneficial bacteria into the body. Eventually, MegaSporeBiotic effectively promotes microbial diversity in the gut while also maintaining the population of health-promoting gut bacteria. As a result, the gut is effectively reconditioned rather than just being reseeded with probiotic strains that cannot colonize the gut or survive digestion.

The product is a probiotic supplement that many health practitioners recommend for its wide range of health benefits including helping to maintain a healthy gut microbiome and promoting microbial diversity.

It should be noted that MegaSporeBiotic provides the same efficacy while taking antibiotic therapy and requires no refrigeration. It also boasts a five-year shelf-life.

MegaSporeBiotic Benefits

The probiotic supplement provides numerous benefits to the human gastrointestinal tract. These benefits include reducing inflammation, restoring healthy gut flora, and improving digestion.

MegaSporeBiotic also purportedly strengthens the immune system and helps the body to better absorb nutrients from food.

The formula owes its health benefits to the probiotic blend of five Bacillus spores. Research has evidenced that Bacillus spores support overall immunity and foster a healthy gut barrier function. They even have the ability to remain dormant even in the harshest environments until they finally get to the human gastrointestinal tract, which is a favorable environment for them, thanks to their biphasic life cycle. As soon as the Bacillus spores reach the large intestine, they enter their active, vegetative form and start to colonize the gut.

Which Strains Are in MegaSporeBiotic?

Here are the five strains included in this unique probiotic blend by MicroBiome Labs and the health benefits tied to each one:

  • Bacillus Indicus HU36 – It produces high levels of carotenoids at the absorption site. Unlike other carotenoids, HU36 survives past the stomach acid and produces the carotenoids in the gut, which makes it a highly bioavailable supplementary carotenoid formula in the current market.
  • Bacillus Clausii – A strain exclusively available to healthcare professionals in the USA and the largest selling prescription probiotic in the world. It is widely used during antibiotic treatment, for it can resist damage from antibiotics and keep the organisms in the gut balanced. It is also known to support immune function.
  • Bacillus Subtilis HU58One of the most extensively studied strains that has been widely researched on a functional and genetic level. One of its key functions is to produce almost 12 antibiotics that can effectively fight harmful and opportunistic bacteria and supports healthy GALT development. No wonder this potent probiotic is so massively utilized in the agricultural and pharmaceutical markets. Taking HU58 prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in several conditions. On top of that, HU58 produces Nattokinase, a health compound secreted from vegetative cells, which has been evidenced to reduce excessive clotting, lower cholesterol, and reduce blood pressure. The strain also produces Vitamin K2, B vitamins, and a plethora of other nutrients associated with key systemic health benefits, including fighting off pathogenic bacteria. Finally, Bacillus Subtilis HU58 acts as an immune stimulator, offering a broad-spectrum immune stimulation by germinating (to some degree) in the small intestines.
  • Bacillus Licheniformis – A probiotic that is found to have a powerful effect on preventing the growth of pathogenic (health-harming) bacteria by producing bacitracin (a common antibiotic). It is often found that Bacillus Subtilis is also a great stimulator of the immune system. Licheniformis even produces protease enzymes in the gut that help boost protein absorption and digestion. Finally, the strain promotes the production of all B vitamins in the stomach, including biotin and folic acid, while also providing the digestive system with much-needed nutrients.
  • Bacillus Coagulans – The primary active ingredient in the spore-based probiotic, Bacillus coagulans, is a soil-based organism (SBO) that has been shown to promote a healthy GALT and immune response. It is one of the most-studied probiotics in the spore family tied with astounding health benefits in Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other inflammatory conditions. It enables the product to control these conditions effectively and, at the same time, improve immune activity. It also produces an optical isomer of lactic acid that is found to have a profound effect on gut defense and immune stimulation. This particular strain assures the proper colonization of the unique probiotic formula as it is also considered a powerful colonizer. All these attributes help the strain produce the desired health benefits related to its use. Lastly, Bacillus Coagulans plays a vital role in not only food digestion but also nutrient absorption. This is because this specific strain can reduce cholesterol uptake by digesting incoming fat.

igital composite of highlighted blue healthy intestine of woman / health care & medicine concept

What is MegaSporeBiotic used for?

The unique probiotic blend aims to promote gut health, has been shown to maintain healthy gut barrier, and fight infections. The product contains live bacteria spores that help to repopulate the gut with good bacteria and improve digestive function.

The probiotic blend has been shown to be effective in treating diarrhea, constipation, and other gastrointestinal problems. It can also help to reduce inflammation throughout the body and boost the immune system.

What are the benefits of a healthy gut barrier function?

A healthy gut barrier function is important for many reasons. It helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria and toxins, it aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients, and it plays a role in the body’s immune system.

A healthy gut barrier function is also important for mental health, as it has been linked to reducing anxiety and depression. Additionally, a healthy gut has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body.

The probiotic supplement also helps to replenish and support the growth of commensal gut bacteria. This unique probiotic blend aims to restore the balance of gut bacteria, which can be disrupted by a number of factors, including poor diet, stress, and antibiotic use. MegaSporeBiotic contains a variety of probiotic strains that have been shown to be effective in supporting gut health. These include Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The supplement also contains prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers that help to feed the good bacteria in the gut.

MegaSporeBiotic has a number of benefits for gut health. It can help to replenish good bacteria in the gut, support the growth of new commensal bacteria, and help with maintaining key health promoting bacteria and the balance of gut flora. It can also help to reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestive function. It has also been known to help with leaky gut. Probiotics are thought to be safe for most people, but it is always best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Bacillus spores are dormant spores, or inactive, bacterial cells. They can enter the gut and affect the normal gut flora, or microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. In some cases, they may cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria and lead to infections. In other cases, they may help to prevent infections by competing with pathogenic bacteria for food and space. Bacillus spores have also been shown to stimulate the immune system and help protect against gastrointestinal diseases. Instead of reseeding the gut with probiotic strains that can't survive digestion or colonize it, the unique probiotic combination seeks to recondition it.

How long does it take for MegaSporeBiotic to work?

Some people have reported seeing results in as little as 2 weeks. However, it is possible that you may not see results for 2-3 months. Clinical studies have shown that the majority of people taking MegaSporeBiotic for 60 days experienced gut health improvements.

MegaSporeBiotic Side Effects

To date, no side effects have been reported. However, some people consider possible symptoms associated with taking MegaSporeBiotic as side effects. It should be, therefore, noted that any symptoms that include changes in bowel movements, loose stools, and abdominal cramping are NOT side effects but rather signs that the formula is working! Although they may be uncomfortable, they usually resolve within 2-3 days.

Another point of consideration is the healing crisis that may develop in the first days of taking the proprietary probiotic blend. It is possible to experience herxheimer reactions, such as a rise in temperature, shaking chills, and intensification of skin rashes, which resolve a few hours later. This is normal with any formula that is effective in helping an unhealthy intestinal tract regain its balance. This happens as the compounds in the formula start killing off pathogens, yeast included. For that reason, it is recommended to titrate the dose up slowly. This will help control detox reactions and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms.

How to Take MegaSporeBiotic

You can begin with half a capsule or one capsule with food. The maximum dosage you can take per day is 2 capsules. However, it is paramount that you reach that dosage slowly using the following protocol:

  • Week #1: 1 capsule* every other day
  • Week #2: 1 capsule every day
  • Week #3+: 2 capsules daily

* You can start with ½ capsule every other day if one capsule is too strong (always every other day for the first days). If ½ is still too strong for you, reduce to ¼ (rare cases).


  • The formula will work just as effectively, even if you pull the capsule apart and take it.
  • The recommended way to administer the supplement to children is to pull the capsule apart.
  • You can mix the powder inside the capsule with almost any food or drink, even hot soup, coffee, or tea. It is tasteless and does not affect the taste of what you consume. The formula’s powder is also not influenced in any way irrespective of which food or drink you mix it with.
  • Dose the formula once per day ONLY. Do not split into two or more doses per day. There is no need for that. Plus, doing so only minimizes the dose of probiotics you get into your system at once.
  • Take about 15-20 minutes after a meal rather on an empty stomach. The carbohydrates and amino acids in food help the spores in the formula change from dormant to active in the gastrointestinal tract.

Why You Need to Continue Taking MegaSporeBiotic

The human body needs the spores included in the MegaSporeBiotic formula on a daily basis. It is considered foundational food for that reason. Despite being transient microorganisms, these spores do not stay in the gastrointestinal tract for long. Instead, they leave after they perform their function. This is an important mechanism of the body to help keep the number of these spores in the gastrointestinal tract relatively low. So, each dose you take of these spores has a significant effect. In general, the spores manage to regulate the GI the most within 21 days, when they reach a steady-state concentration in the GI. The unique probiotic blend aims to recondition the gut instead of reseeding with probiotic strains that cannot survive digestion or colonize. Regularity in taking the supplement has also been shown to maintain healthy gut barrier.

To enable the spores to deliver the maximum of their health benefits to the stomach, it is paramount to consume a diet higher in fibers and lower in refined sugars. Doing this will also create fertile ground for the body to facilitate the growth of its own good bacteria. Eventually, there will be a balance between the good and bad bacteria in the body. Removing the spores at this phase will push the body to shift back to Dysbiosis (gut bacteria imbalance). For that reason, it is critical that you use the spored daily to ensure that the GI health remains intact.

Can Pregnant Women Take MegaSporeBiotic?

According to studies and research, spore probiotics or probiotics can be safely taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The manufacturer also claims that they have also had many individuals and patients who were taking the formula during nursing and pregnancy with no side effects or unwanted effects. However, it is also mentioned that nursing or pregnant women with strong yeast issues or inflammatory conditions should also be titrated (watch how the body reacts to the spores and adjust the dosage). This is to ensure there won’t be any detox reactions.

Can MegaSporeBiotic Help Autism?

The probiotic supplement is found to benefit a wide range of health conditions, including autism and ADHD. A study in infants that were given the Lactobacillus Rhamnosus strain showed that there were no cases of autism, as opposed to the group of infants that received a placebo, 17% of whom developed ADHD or autism. Other studies have evidenced that probiotics can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with autism by restoring the balance of the gut microbiota.

Many doctors have also reported considerable benefits in colitis, IBD, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. The spore based probiotic also helps with major and minor gastric discomfort (i.e., indigestion, bloating, and gas), as well as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Acid allergies
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cystic acne
  • Hashimoto’s disease
  • Acid reflux/GERD.