Mitochondria & Your Fertility

Posted by Warren Cargal, L.Ac on Oct 12, 2024

Mitochondria & Your Fertility

In Warren's latest podcast with Heather R Huhman from Beat Infertility, he discusses mitochondria and fertility.

Warren and Heather discuss how your mitochondria impacts your fertility:

Introduction by Heather R Huhman

Before we get into today’s topic, I’d like to hear a little bit more about you. Tell us about your professional background and why you chose this career.

Tell us Acupuncture Atlanta and how you ended up in your current role there.


  • What are the mitochondria, and what do they do?
  • How many mitochondria are in different cells, skin, brain, heart and egg?
  • Why are the mitochondria so important to fertility and conception?
  • In your experience, how do mitochondria issues affect fertility patients?
  • What is a blighted ovum, and how does it relate to one’s mitochondria?
  • What is placental insufficiency, and how does it relate to one’s mitochondria?
  • What causes mitochondria to become dysfunctional?
  • What should a woman do to strengthen her mitochondria to prepare for conceiving?
  • How long should it take to optimize mitochondrial performance? Please explain.
  • What can listeners do right now to optimize mitochondrial performance and improve their chances for conception?
  • What supplements can listeners take to assist in improving the mitochondrial quality in their eggs?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to add about this topic?
  • Can you share some success stories?

The Book

  • Why did you write a book on mitochondria, and why are you the best person to deliver this information?
  • Who is the intended audience, and what will they learn beyond what we’ve discussed here today?

Wrapping Up

As someone who sees infertility patients on a regular basis, what words of hope would you offer to someone who’s just starting their infertility journey?