Natura S-Clear

Natura S-Clear

Posted by Patrick Postlewait on Oct 12, 2024

Every autumn season, it’s always nice to enjoy the cooler, milder temperatures and the warm changing colors that gently transition us into the next season. It’s also a great time of year if you enjoy warm cider, hot chocolate, comforting soups, and pumpkin pie.

For many of us, though, it’s also a time of discomfort during the transitioning seasons. Fall means less sunshine, cold rains, dampness, ragweed pollen, leaf mold and many other allergens that aggravate allergy and sinus issues. Headaches, nasal congestion, sneezing and other symptoms can disrupt otherwise productive days and restful nights.

This month’s featured product is specifically designed for these issues. Natura Health Products’ S-Clear is an eclectic blend of herbs from many healing traditions around the world. The formula from renowned herbalist Donnie Yance is carefully balanced to help allergy and sinus sufferers to breathe more freely during these changing seasons.

S-Clear combines 17 herbal extracts and essential oils, most of which are certified organic. Together, they synergistically work to quickly help ease immediate symptoms, clear congestion, balance histamine response and provide general relief for discomfort 1.

Key Herbs and Their Role in Sinus & Allergy Relief

Nettle Leaf

Prized for its nutritional and medicinal qualities since ancient Egyptian and Roman times, nettle leaf might sting you in the wild, but once cooked or processed for tea or extract, it is packed with benefits. Nettles are high in several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant carotenoids and polyphenols. Traditionally they have been used for hay fever, arthritis, and more. The high antioxidant content of nettles may contribute to their anti-inflammatory properties.


Long used in folk medicine throughout Europe, Eyebright is known to help with nasal irritation and allergy symptoms 2. It has also been used topically as a compress for eye irritation. Eyebright contains powerful antioxidants Quercetin and Luteolin, which may aid in balancing histamine response and inflammation.

Red Root

An astringent herb often harvested in the wild, Red Root is often used to help circulate lymph fluids and support  immune function. For congestion issues, Red Root helps thin and move mucus.

Osha Root

A strong scented herb often used by western Native American herbalists, Osha root supports sinus and respiratory function, especially in fall and winter months. Traditional herbalists believed it helped with circulation and blood oxygenation. It is high in camphor, terpenes, saponins and phytosterols.

Fenugreek and Thyme

Common kitchen herbs Fenugreek and Thyme were often combined by Greek, Chinese, and Ayurvedic herbalists to ease congestion and sinus issues. Thyme, being rich in essential oils, has opening aromatic and antimicrobial properties.


Well-known for those who frequent sushi restaurants, Wasabi, a Japanese variety of horseradish, has strong pungent qualities that move and clear sinus congestion quickly and effectively. Wasabi also contains antimicrobial compounds 3.

Usage Directions

S-Clear is a throat spray that can be used up to three times daily while symptoms are present. Two sprays equals one serving. If allergy and sinus symptoms are troubling and persistent, consult your physician for guidance.

Seasonal Chinese Medicine & Lifestyle Tips

In addition an herbal remedy like S-Clear, Traditional Chinese Medicine has many time tested suggestions to balance your body during allergy season. In TCM practice and theory, diet and lifestyle hold as much or more importance as taking herbs as a quick fix. Here are just a few suggestions.


TCM looks at the energetic quality of various kinds of food and drink and their effect on the body. During the fall season especially, dairy, refined sugar, processed foods, raw foods and cold beverages are considered cooling and mucus building. Warm foods, soups, steamed or sauteed vegetables and moderate amounts of organic animal products can help balance your body during the fall season. It’s a great time to select grounding seasonal produce like root vegetables and winter squash as well. Dark leafy greens can also help optimize your body’s detoxification pathways including the liver, which can be overburdened by poor diet and allergens.


Managing stress during the changing season can be key to balancing allergy and immune response. Mind-body practices such as Qigong, Yoga, meditation or progressive relaxation techniques can have a positive impact on stress, sleep, immune function, inflammation and overall energy. While exercise is always recommended, be wary of strenuous exercise in cold and damp conditions. TCM also suggests adjusting sleep patterns to follow the season. Avoid staying up past midnight and limit your screen an hour before bed.

Acupuncture and acupressure points

TCM theory asserts that many conditions can be due to blocked flow of qi(energy). Specific points along the body’s 14 energy meridians can help balance the body’s allergic response and even relieve immediate symptoms like sinus pressure and headaches. Acupuncture treatment can generally go deeper and have more lasting effects, but if you are stuck at home, acupressure self treatment can also be helpful.


  1. Product brochure
  2. McCulloch, Marsha, Rd. ‘Do Eyebright Drops and Supplements Benefit Health?’ April 11, 2019.
  3. Wikipedia, published on the Web. Accessed 10/2/2020.