Brand: Evergreen Collection Formulas - Capsules

GI DTX 100 c

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Product Description

GI DTX - Capsules (100 count)

Subcategories & Applications

  • Detoxification / Gastrointestinal Support

TCM Function

  • Clears toxic heat in the intestines and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach


  • Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)
  • Zhi He Shou Wu (Radix Polygoni Multiflori Praeparata)
  • Fu Ling (Poria)
  • Shan Yao (Rhizoma Dioscoreae)
  • Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis)
  • Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis)
  • Bai Jiang Cao (Herba cum Radice Patriniae)
  • Feng Wei Cao (Herba Pteris)

Note: This formula has the herb, Zhi He Shou Wu (Radix Polygoni Multiflori Praeparata), which is processed with black soybeans.