Brand: Evergreen Collection Formulas - Capsules

Herbal ABX 100 c

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Product Description

Herbal ABX - Capsules (100 count)

Subcategories & Applications

  • Respiratory Support / Inflammation Management / Specialty Formula

TCM Functions

  • Clears heat and eliminates toxins
  • Purges fire and drains damp-heat


  • Cha Chi Huang (Herba Stellariae Aquaticae)
  • Da Qing Ye (Folium Isatidis)
  • Feng Wei Cao (Herba Pteris)
  • Hu Yao Huang (Herba Leucas Mollissimae)
  • Liu Zhi Huang (Herba Solidaginis)
  • Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci)
  • Shu Wei Huang (Herba Rostellulariae)
  • Xian Feng Cao (Herba Bidentis)
  • Ya She Huang (Herba Lippiae)
  • Pao Zai Cao (Herba Physalis Angulatae)
  • Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis)