Brand: Kan Traditionals

Gan Mao Ling 8 ounce

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Product Description

Gan Mao Ling, 8 oz

Unit Size8 fl oz
ContraindicationsNot suitable for severe Wind Cold patterns
Chinese SymptomologyOccasional aversion to wind and/or stiffness of the upper back and neck; Occasional throat discomfort; Occasional nasal pressure or discharge; Occasional skin rashes
ActionsDispels Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold, clears Qi level and Yang Ming Heat, circulates Defensive (Wei) Qi
PatternAcute Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold disorder affecting the Qi level
TongueRed or normal with thin, white or yellow coating
PulseRapid and floating with Wind-Heat, floating and tight with Wind-Cold
Chinese nameGan Mao Ling


Gan Mao Ling is a potent remedy for quickly dispelling pathogenic influences from the surface layers of the body before they sink deeply into the internal layers, where they are more serious and difficult to treat. Wind Heat epidemics are fast-moving and vicious, and potent herbs are required to clear Heat and dispel Wind while the disorder is still in the acute stage. Though primarily used for Wind Heat pattern, this formula can also be used for Wind Cold invasions.*


Pinyin NameCommon Name
Mao dong qingPubescent holly root
San cha kuEvodia leaf and root
Ban lan genIsatis root
Ju huaChrysanthemum flower
Man jing ziSimple-leaf chaste tree fruit
Jin yin huaHoneysuckle flower

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