Brand: Snow Lotus Aromatherapy

Helichrysum (Immortelle, 10%) Essential Oil 10 milliliters

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Product Description

Snow Lotus Essential Oils Helichrysum (Immortelle, 10%) Essential Oil

Helichrysum (Immortelle, 10%) Essential Oil is a deeply-saturated sweet, green floral scent used to regulate Qi and Blood and harmonize the mind.

BrandSnow Lotus Essential Oils
English nameHelichrysum (Immortelle, 10%) Essential Oil
Unit Size10 ml bottle
ActionsRegulates Qi and Blood, and harmonizes the mind (Holmes, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2009)
IngredientsHelichrysum (Immortelle, Helichrysum angustifolium, 10% in jojoba) essential oil, flower, wildcrafted, organic, from France.

Wildcrafted and distilled in the sparse, rocky, sun-drenched hills of the East Mediterranean coast. Also known as Everlasting or Immortelle. This oil has a deeply-saturated sweet, green floral scent. Nurturing, calming, harmonizing and grounding, Helichchrysum will reduce apprehension, irritability and mental unrest. Helps untangle emotional knots and resolve past emotional trauma. A cooling, soothing and skin-regenerating oil for sensitive or problem skin.