Brand: Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength 0.63 oz jar


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Product Description

Tiger Balm Red Extra Strength

Extra Strength (Red): Preferred by arthritis sufferers.

Contraindications for Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength,18g

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply to open wounds or damaged skin. For external use only.

Serving Size information for Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength,18g

Rub well on the affected area. Repeat 3 to 4 times daily.

Ingredients in Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength,18g

Camphor 11% Menthol 10% Cajuput Oil Cassia Oil Clove Oil Dementholized Mint Oil Pafaffin Petrolatum

Symptomatology information for Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength,18g

Minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with over-exertion Simple backache Arthritis Strains Sprains

Tiger Balm, Red, Extra Strength 0.63 oz jar Reviews