Apex Energetics Deep Antitox A4 Antitox Homeopathic Formula
Note: Apex Energetics is a professional grade product line administered only by licensed health practitioners. In order for clients to make a purchase, Apex Energetics requires a nutrition consultation with one of our practitioners. Clients may contact us at 866-910-1567 to schedule a consultation.
Deep Antitox A4 is a homeopathic formula designed for homeopathic cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and balancing the flora as well as relief of symptoms related to disturbances in this area.
What Deep Antitox A4 is Best For
Deep Antitox A4 may be used for the following:
- Candida
- Uric acid-related conditions
- Intestinal discomfort
How Deep Antitox A4 Works
Deep Antitox A4 Serving Size
Adults: Take 5 drops under the tongue 1 to 3 times a day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Children: Use half the adult Serving Size.
Deep Antitox A4 Ingredients
Candida Albicans 12X 15X 20X 30X 60X 200X Carbo Vegetabilis 8X 10X 12X Colchicum Autumnale 6X 9X 30X Lacticum Acidum 12X 15X 20X 30X 200X Uricum Acidum 8X 10X 12X 15X Skatolum 10X 12X 15X 30X Indolum 10X 12X 15X 30X Aloe Socotrina 1X 4X 6X 8X 10X 15X Calcarea Iodata 8X 10X 12X 30X Arsenicum Iodatum 6X 8X 12X 15X Baptisia Tinctoria 1X 6X 9X 12X 15X Chelidonium Majus 1X 2X 12X 15X 30X Scrophularia Nodosa 1X 5X 7X 9X 12X 30X Asterias Rubens 4X 6X 8X Sarcolacticum Acidum 30X 200X Sulphur 12X Lac Vaccinum 6X 12X 30X 60X 200X Millefolium 1X Echinacea Angustifolia 1X Echinacea Purpurea 1X Saccharum Officinale12X 30X 60X 200X Solidago Virgaurea 1X Allium Sativum 1X Allium Cepa 1X Cina 3X Cinchona Officinalis 3XDeep Antitox A4 Side Effects
There are no known side effects.
Deep Antitox A4 Where to Buy
Deep Antitox A4 product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Deep Antitox A4 Apex Supplements Online here at AcuAtlanta.net or our clinic.