Product Description
About BodyBio PC
BodyBio PC is a formula that combines three forms of pure phospholipids whose role is to provide the cells with the energy and boost required to work optimally. The product has been specifically designed for quick absorption and targets the rebuilding of the human body on a cellular level. This, in turn, affects every major system positively, allowing them to run to the best of their capacity.
How BodyBio PC Works
PC (Phosphatidylcholine) is a phospholipid that contains phosphorus, glycerol, and fatty acids. It is often used interchangeably with lecithin (the phosphorus part of the phospholipid compound) as they are both made up of PC, though the two substances are quite different. PC has been traditionally used to support the healthy function of the brain. Nevertheless, it can also foster normal liver function and help keep cholesterol levels at bay. Other health benefits tied to the use of phosphatidylcholine include the:
Increase of a brain neurotransmitter that helps boost cognitive function and memory (often related to Alzheimer's disease).
Contribution to liver repair in cases of liver cirrhosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. It may also help prevent the accumulation of liver fat.
Protection against medication-related side effects (i.e., stomach pain, intestinal perforation, gastric bleeding, etc.).
Alleviation of ulcerative colitis symptoms as PC helps reduce inflammation and protects the mucus layer of the gastrointestinal tract.
Promotion of lipolysis (the breakdown of body fats).
Elimination of gallstones (dissolves them to prevent pancreatitis and severe pain, which is the result of them becoming lodged in the bile ducts if left untreated).
Studies have found that PC levels deteriorate over time. This is why supplementation with phosphatidylcholine is often recommended to make sure the cells are kept healthy (and, consequently, the entire body, irrespective of age). For that reason, BodyBio PC is ideal whether you wish to prevent future problems or want to treat a current health issue associated with the immune, cognitive, or digestive function.
How BodyBio PC Helps Your Cells
Digestion breaks down lecithin and other non-liposomal phosphatidylcholines, which prevents the body from improving the health of cells. BodyBio PC, on the other hand, is made of pure phospholipids (a non-GMO liposomal phospholipid complex). Pure phospholipids form liposomes in the body automatically. This means that pure phospholipids give their best qualities fast as they are instantly being utilized instead of being broken apart. As a result, the body cells are being rebuilt, enabling key body functions to work optimally.
BodyBio PC Ingredients:
The formula contains a phospholipid complex that consists of the following ingredients:
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) – A compound fundamental for memory.
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) – It supports neurotransmission and brain function.
Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) – It boosts the healthy function of the mitochondria.
Other ingredients: Minor glycolipids, glycerin, gelatin, ethanol, flaxseed oil, essential fatty acids, and water.
How to Use BodyBio PC
The manufacturer suggests taking 2-4 softgels with food unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Consult your doctor for precise dosage per your particular case and health condition.
BodyBio PC Side Effects, Contraindications, and Allergen Information
Taking more than 30 grams of oral phosphatidylcholine (PC) may cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and excessive sweating.
Taking the formula with tacrine, donepezil, or another AChE inhibitor may boost your acetylcholine levels. This may cause breathing issues, slow heart rate, muscle weakness, seizures, and other cholinergic side effects.
Taking BodyBio PC along with anticholinergic and cholinergic drugs may hinder their effectiveness.
BodyBio PC contains no soy protein.
Important Notes:
To achieve the desired results, the manufacturer recommends trying the formula for six (6) weeks.
Ensure you speak to your healthcare professional before using the product.
Consult your doctor about the dosage and how you feel while using BodyBio PC.
BodyBio PC provides chronic health benefits to the cells that may not be “felt” in this way. It depends on the given circumstances. Nevertheless, the product is acutely beneficial to cell health.
Follow your doctor’s instructions to help reduce the risk of side effects (if any).
Start with the lowest possible dosage and slowly work your way up to the recommended dose to minimize the likelihood of experiencing any side effects (if any).
Not recommended for breastfeeding or pregnant women.
About the BodyBio PC Manufacturer
BodyBio is a leading manufacturer of nutritional supplements with a particular focus on providing the cells with all the required nutrients and compounds to perform optimally. The company strongly believes that healthy cells make a healthy body, which is why their formulas feature carefully selected, pure, and natural raw materials of superior quality, with attributes that foster normal cell function. The company has been providing healthcare practitioners with products specifically optimized for efficacy and quality for more than 20 years. To date, BodyBio is trusted by thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide.
Some of the company’s best-sellers are thyroid-supporting Iodine 9- Liquid Mineral, improved cognition and immune function-encouraging Vitamin B4 (240 capsules), healthy adrenal function-fostering E-Lyte Balanced Electrolyte Concentrate, nutrition-providing Pre-Mixed Liquid Minerals, and hormone-regulating Evening Primrose Oil.