Brand: Classical Pearls Single Herb Extracts

Fu Long Gan (Zao Xin Tu) Single Herb Extract 100 grams

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Product Description

Fu Long Gan (Zao Xin Tu) Single Herb Extract, 100g

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Traditional Growing Location: Shaanxi Province, China

Traditional Preparation: Unprocessed, naturally dried

Classification: Herbs Favored by the Sichuan Fire Spirit School to Support the Yang ()

Excipient: None

Fulonggan (Ignited Yellow Earth), literally "Hidden Dragon Liver, " is the traditional name for clay harvested from a decommissioned hearth in a traditional peasant house. It is most important for the development of its medicinal effect that the clay has been fired with natural wood for decades or even centuries. In the classical materia medicas of ancient China, Fulonggan is described as one of the best astringing medicinals for formulas addressing deficiencies of the Earth element, capable of stopping diarrhea and bleeding. As such, it features prominently in classical remedies such as Huangtu Tang (Yellow Earth Decoction) from the Shanghan lun.

As traditional clay stoves disappear along with the rapidly changing socio-economics of modern China, it has become extremely difficult to source genuine Fulonggan. Classical Pearls is proud to offer a limited quantity of naturally fired clay from 40 year old hearths recently disassembled in a remote village in the mountains of Northern Shaanxi.

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