Brand: Desbio

Bartonella Series Symptom Relief 1M kit

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Product Description

Bartonella Series Symptom Relief: Series Kit 1M



Homeopathic Indications: Bartonella Series Symptom Relief is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Lyme disease including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise.

Each 1M kit contains 10 vials of the 1M homeopathic dilutions of Bartonella Bacilliformis, Bartonella Clarridgeiae, Bartonella Elizabethae, Bartonella Henselae, Bartonella Quintana, Bartonella Vinsonii, and Bartonella Washoensis nosodes. The 1M kits are often taken once per week for 10 weeks as a follow-up to the initial Basic Series Protocol.

For more information on the Series Symptom Relief Program, see our Series Program Practitioner Guide and/or Getting Started with Series.


Take one vial per week for 10 weeks or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.


  • Bartonella Bacilliformis (1M)
  • Bartonella Clarridgeiae (1M)
  • Bartonella Elizabethae (1M)
  • Bartonella Henselae (1M)
  • Bartonella Quintana (1M)
  • Bartonella Vinsonii (1M)
  • Bartonella Washoensis (1M)

Bartonella Series Symptom Relief 1M kit Reviews