Brand: Desbio

Influenza Plus 1 ounce

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Product Description

Influenza Plus



Homeopathic Indications: Influenza Plus is for the temporary relief of symptoms that may be caused by viruses such as influenza or RSV infection including high fever, chills, headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny and/or stuffy nose, congestion, body aches, vomiting and occasional diarrhea.


1 -10 drops under the tongue, 2 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age. WARNING: Severe or persistent sore throat or sore throat accompanied by high fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting may be serious. Consult a physician promptly. Do not use more than two days or administer to children under 3 years of age unless directed by a physician.


  • Eucalyptus Globulus (2C 10C 30C)
  • Ipecacuanha (3C 10C 30C)
  • Aconitum napellus (6C 10C 30C 200C)
  • Influenzinum (8C 12C 30C 60C 200C)
  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus Nosode (8C 12C 30C 60C 200C)
  • Bryonia (30C)
  • Eupatorium Perfoliatum (30C)
  • Gelsemium Sempervirens (30C)
  • Kreosotum (30C)
  • Veratrum Viride (30C)