Product Description
Fertility Ear Seed Kit
Unit Size: 1 kit
We worked closely with licensed acupuncturist and fertility expert, Heidi Brockmyre M.S., L.Ac to create this comprehensive educational kit.
Product includes:
- 120 vaccaria ear seeds
- Four clearly illustrated graphic images detailing points believed to correspond to the menstrual cycle
- Mens Chart with points traditionally associated with male fertility
- Direct Access to Heidi’s Fertile cycle quiz and online tools.
- Stainless steel tweezer
Tan tape contains latex
Small black seeds from the Vaccaria plant are secured on the ear with a piece of adhesive tape over specific acupressure points. The seeds stimulate the point by exerting mild pressure.
Heidi Brockmyre M.S., L.Ac. is a fertility expert, acupuncturist, herbalist, speaker, author and mother with 10 years of experience supporting thousands of women around the world as they successfully grow their families. Heidi focuses on helping women create fertility wellness by preparing the mind, body, and spirit for fertility and pregnancy through her virtual program, Total Fertility Wellness.