Brand: Far East Summit Chinese Classics
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang 32 ounce
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Product Description
Far East Summit Chinese Classics Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang 32 oz.
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang, also known as Clear the Upper & Reliev Pain clears summerheat, augments the Qi, nourishes the Yin and generates fluids.
Unit Size: 32 oz.
Potency: 5:1
Actions: Replenishes the qi, engenders fluids, clears heat and dispels damp.
Chinese name: Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
English name: Clear the Upper & Relieve Pain
Complete extraction 5:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.
Astragalus root, Ophiopogon root, Pueraria root, Dong Quai root, Massa Fermenta, Alismatis rhizome, Chinese White Ginseng root, White Atractylodes rhizome, Schisandra fruit, Cimicifuga rhizome, Phellodendron bark, Green Citrus peel, Chinese Licorice root.