Brand: Far East Summit Chinese Classics

Sheng Mai San 32 ounce

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MSRP: $314.00
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Product Description

Far East Summit Chinese Classics Sheng Mai San 32 oz

Sheng Mai San, also known as Pulse-Engendering Combination boosts the Qi, enriches Yin, engenders both the fluids and the pulse.

Unit Size: 32 fl oz. bottle

Potency: 5:1

Chinese Symptomology: fatigue, lack of strength, lassitude of the spirit, shortness of breath, spontaneous perspiration

Western Symptomology:

Actions: Boosts the qi, enriches yin, engenders both the fluids and pulse, and checks sweating.

Tongue: Fat, swollen, possibly tender with teeth-marks on its edges.

Pulse: Forceless.

Chinese name: Sheng Mai San

English name: Pulse-Engendering Combination


Boosts the qi, enriches yin, engenders both the fluids and pulse, and checks sweating.

Complete extraction 5:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.


Chinese White Ginseng root, Ophiopogon root, Schisandra fruit.

Sheng Mai San 32 ounce Reviews