Brand: Health Concerns

Mobility 2 90 capsules

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Product Description

Health Concerns Mobility 2 Clematis Herbal Supplement Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang 90 capsules

Mobility 2, also known as Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang, supports normal muscuskeletal function and helps with inflammation.

What Mobility 2 is Best For

Mobility 2 is recommended for those with inflammation and supports normal joint function.

Health Concerns Mobility 2 may be used for the following:

Western Symptoms

  • Supports normal joint and muscle function
  • Low back pain
  • Inflammation

TCM Function

  • Relieve the surface
  • Dispel wind damp
  • Promote the flow of water
  • Vitalize blood circulation

How Mobility 2 Works

Mobility 2 is based on the traditional formula Clematis Combination (Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang).

In traditional Chinese medicine, inflammation of joints is caused by poor circulation, accumulation of moisture in the joints, and inflammation related to blood stagnation.

Mobility 2 by Health Concerns Chinese Herbs supports normal joint function while also nourishing and circulating the blood and providing analgesic relief of pain.

Red peony (chi shao), persica, tang kuei (dang gui), and ligusticum (chuan xiong) are included to move and invigorate the blood.

Atractylodes (bai zhu), poria (fu ling), and vitex (man jing zi) leach dampness.

Red peony, tang kuei and licorice (gan cao) have anti-inflammatory effects.

Ligusticum, chiang-huo, clematis (wei ling xian), and angelica (bai zhi) have analgesic effects.

Citrus (chen pi), and clematis (wei ling xian), invigorates the circulation of qi.

Tang kuei and rehmannia (shu di huang) are used to nourish the blood.

Siler (fang feng) dispels wind, cold and damp.

Achyranthes (niu xi) relieves aching knees and back.

Gentiana (qin jiao) eliminates pain, with heat signs.

Mobility 2 Serving Size

2 to 4 capsules three times a day, between meals

90 capsules, 650mg, 7 day supply

Mobility 2 Ingredients

Chinese Peony root* (chi shao), Dong Quai root* (dang gui), Ligusticum root* (chuan xiong), Rehmannia (cooked) root* (shu di huang), Peach kernel* (tao ren), Bai-Zhu Atractylodes rhizome* (bai zhu), Poria sclerotium* (fu ling), Tangerine peel* (chen pi), Siler root* (fang feng), Chaste Tree berry* (man jing zi), Andrographis leaf* (chuan xin lain), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Ginger root* (gan jiang), Clematis root* (wei ling xian), Fragrant Angelica root* (bai zhi), Pomegranate fruit* (shi liu), Licorice root* (gan cao); *extract

Mobility 2 Side Effects

There are no known side effects

Mobility 2 Where to Buy

Mobility 2 product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Mobility 2 Online here at or our clinic.

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