Brand: Health Concerns

Skin Balance 90 capsules

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Product Description

Health Concerns Skin Balance Dr. Fung's Herbal Supplement

Skin Balance clears liver heat, cleans blood, and eliminates heat and dampness.

What Skin Balance is Best For

Skin Balance is recommended for people with hives, acne, and itchy, dry skin.

  • Supports normal skin function
  • Dryness and itching
  • Hives
  • Inflammation of the skin
  • Acne

TCM Function

  • Clear liver heat
  • Clean blood
  • Eliminate heat and dampness

How Skin Balance Works

Skin Balance by Health Concerns Chinese Herbs can be used for minor cases like pimples and localized itching. According to TCM these conditions are caused by heat, dampness, and toxins.

Skin Balance is designed to address skin inflammation. It is able to do four things: eliminate toxins, evaluating, reduce heat and dampness, and to nourish the skin through nourishing the blood.

The herbs: oldenlandia (bai hua she she cao), viola (zi hua di ding), and barbat skullcap (ban zhi lian) are used to reduce the toxins

The herbs rehmannia root (sheng di huang), siler (fang feng), lonicera (jin yin hua), and coptis root (huang lian) are used to reduce the factors of heat and dampness.

Liver heat is also reduced by using gentiana (long dan cao) and bupleurum (chai hu).

The herbs Senna leaf (fan xie ye), rhubarb (da huang), carthamus (hong hua), and lysimachia (jin qian cao) are used to smooth bowel and water movements so as to purge the toxins out of the body.

The herb Tang kuei (dang gui) is used to nourish the blood which will nourish the skin to facilitate recovery of skin tissues.

Skin Balance Serving Size

3 tablets three to four times a day, between meals

90 tablets, 750 mg, 10 day supply

Skin Balance Ingredients

Barbat Skullcap herb (ban zhi lian), Oldenlandia herb (bai hua she she cao), Gentiana root (long dan cao), Rehmannia (raw) root (sheng di huang), Viola herb / root (zi hua di ding), Siler root (fang feng), Lonicera flower (jin yin hua), Lysimachia herb (jin qian cao), Coptis rhizome (huang lian), Tang Kuei root (dang gui), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Carthamus flower (hong hua), Senna leaf (fan xie ye), Rhubarb rhizome (da huang)

Skin Balance Side Effects

Reduce Serving Size if diarrhea occurs

Skin Balance Where to Buy

Skin Balance product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Skin Balance Online here at or our clinic.

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