Brand: Kan Traditionals

Angelica Restorative Formula 2 ounce

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Product Description

Angelica Restorative Formula, 2 oz

Unit Size2 fl oz. dropper bottle
Dosage10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
PropertiesBlood building formula for support during radiation or chemotherapy
ContraindicationsUse with caution with abnormal uterine bleeding, menopause, severe weakness, hemorrhage. Not for acute, severe blood loss or problems of Blood vacuity which include severe weakness and labored breathing
Chinese SymptomologyAny pattern with concurrent Blood vacuity and stasis, dysmenorrhea, scanty menses, anemia, postpartum blood loss, hemorrhage. Dizziness, fatigue, pale complexion, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, cold extremities, abnormal uterine bleeding from Qi vacuity. Blood vacuity from radiation or chemotherapy (leukopenia) . Use with caution with abnormal uterine bleeding, menopause, severe weakness, hemorrhage
ActionsNourishes and circulates Blood, supplements Qi
PatternBlood vacuity with Blood stasis
TonguePale, possibly swollen
PulseEmpty, forceless, thready, hollow
BranchLiver, Spleen
Chinese namedang gui pian
English nameAngelica Restorative Formula, 2 oz


Angelica Restorative Formula is designed to improve the mechanisms of generating and circulating blood to the body. It is an excellent broad-based prescription to be used with confidence in any Blood vacuity disorder. Although it should be taken from one to three months for maximum benefit, it will work expediently to relieve Blood vacuity patterns. This prescription is also an excellent choice to protect the Blood during chemotherapy or radiation treatment, and to help prevent anemia in chronic illnesses. Angelica Restorative Formula works on the underlying mechanisms of blood production in the body via the Liver, Spleen and Kidney to optimize blood production. However, in some women, angelic and ligusticum can cause heavy bleeding during menses, and therefore caution is advised in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding or menopause.*


Pinyin NameCommon Name
Dang gui shenDong quai root
Ji xue tengSpathlobus root and vine
Chuan xiongSichuan lovage rhizome
Bai zhuWhite atractylodes rhizome
Hong zaoRed jujube fruit