Brand: Kan Traditionals

Calm Dragon Formula 8 ounce

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Product Description

Calm Dragon Formula, 8 oz

Unit Size8 fl oz
ContraindicationsUse with caution during pregnancy
Chinese SymptomologyEases migraine headache, agitation and anxiety; Soothes insomnia with vivid dreams, palpitations, neurosis, delirium; Provides support during withdrawal from medication or recreational substances, alcoholism treatment, smoking cessation; Helps reduce nausea and vomiting; Aids in relieving hypertension, hyper-thyroidism, PMS, post-influenza patterns, chronic fatigue syndrome
ActionsHarmonizes the Shao Yang level, relieves agitation
PatternUnsettled Spirit, blockage of all three Yang levels and confinement of Yang Qi in the interior
TongueRed body with greasy, white or yellow coating, swollen edges
PulseWiry, rapid or tense, slippery, flooding or deep, tense
BranchLiver, Heart
Chinese nameChai Hu Ji Long Gu Mu Li Tang
English nameCalm Dragon Formula


According to Fang You-Zhi in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold with 500 Cases by Luo Xi-Wen: after adoption of a purgative there is an internal vacuity. Thus, external Heat intrudes into the interior and ascends together with fluid up to the diaphragm, causing vexation. As the Heart is located above the diaphragm, when the Correct (zheng) Qi is vacuous and the Pathogenic (xie) Qi is strong, the spirit of the Heart is disturbed, causing delirium and irritablity, heaviness in the four extremes and general malaise. This is the original pattern associated with this formula, however, its modern applications have been greatly expanded.*

Calm Dragon Formula can be used for a wide range of psychological and emotional disorders, including acute anxiety when there is a Shao Yang or Liver Phlegm-Heat disorder, or an internal blockage of Yang Qi. It is highly effective in substance abuse programs for ameliorating withdrawal symptoms of cigarette, alcohol or drug dependencies. Its combination of warm, cold, supplementing and draining ingredients restores equilibrium to body and mind by regulating the Triple Burner (san jiao) mechanisms.*


Pinyin NameCommon Name
Chai huBupleurum root
Jiang ban xiaGinger cured pinellia rhizome
Zhi ziGardenia fruit
Hong zaoRed jujube fruit
Huang qinChinese skullcap root
Gui zhiChinese cinnamon twig
Fu lingPoria
Duan mu liOyster shell
Dai zhe shiHematite
Long guDragon bone
Bai ren shenWhite Asian ginseng root and rhizome
Gan jiangGinger rhizome

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