Brand: Kan Traditionals

Digestive Harmony Formula 2 ounce

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Product Description

Digestive Harmony Formula, 2oz.

Unit Size2oz. Bottle
ContraindicationsStrong Spleen Qi deficiency
Western SymptomologyOccasional bloating, distension or discomfort, especially after a large meal, Occasional loose stools
ActionsTransforms food stagnation, moves middle burner Qi, transforms Phlegm and supports Spleen
PatternFood stagnation, Qi stagnation in the Middle Burner
TongueYellow, greasy tongue coat
PulseSlippery, full
RecommendationsComplementary Formulas: Four Gentlemen, Six Gentlemen, Rehmannia Six
Chinese nameBao He Wan
English nameDigestive Harmony Formula


Transforms food stagnation, moves middle burner Qi, transforms Phlegm and supports Spleen. Supports a healthy digestive system, supports healthy digestion of fats, supports healthy digestion of starch.


Shan zha (Chinese hawthorn fruit), Fu ling (Poria), Shen qu (Medicated leaven), Jiang ban xia (Ginger cured pinellia rhizome), Lai fu zi (Radish seed), Chen pi (Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit), Lian qiao (Forsythia fruit), Bai zhu (White atractylodes rhizome), Chao mai ya (Dry fried barley sprout)

Digestive Harmony Formula 2 ounce Reviews