Brand: Kan Traditionals

Five Seeds Formula 120 tablets

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Product Description

Five Seeds Formula, 120 Tablets

Unit Size120 Tablets
ContraindicationsCaution with Spleen Qi deficiency
ActionsMositens the Intestines, tonifies Blood, Kidney and Jin ye
PatternOccasional dryness in the Intestines due to Yin, Blood and/or Jin Ye deficiency, Kidney deficiency
PulseThin and possibly rough or weak
RecommendationsComplementary Formulas: Rehmannia Six, Four Substances, Ten Treasures
Chinese nameWu Ren Wan
English nameFive Seeds Formula


Mositens the Intestines, tonifies Blood, Kidney and Jin ye. Supports a healthy digestive system, supports regular peristalsis, supports healthy bowel movement.


Chen pi (Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit), Guang chao tao ren (Dry fried peeled peach seed), Chao xing ren (Dry fried apricot seed), Bai zi ren (Biota seed), Chao hei zhi ma (Dry fried black sesame seed), Feng mi (Bee Honey), Dang gui shen (Dong quai root), Chao yu li ren (Dry fried Japanese bush cherry seed)

Five Seeds Formula 120 tablets Reviews