Brand: Kan Traditionals

Free and Easy Wanderer 1 ounce

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Product Description

Free and Easy Wanderer, 1 oz

Unit Size 1 oz
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Headache; Dizziness; Menstrual and digestive irregularities; Breast pain and distention; Mastitis; Breast lumpsPMS; Abdominal pain; HepatitisJaundice; Depression; Inability to express anger; Irritability; Insomnia; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Allergic disorders; Alternating fever and chills; Hypochondriac pain; Nausea
Actions Spreads the Liver Qi and resolves Qi depression, nourishes Blood, harmonizes the Liver and Spleen, supplements Spleen/Stomach and regulates Shao Yang patterns.
Pattern Liver Qi depression, Liver Blood vacuity, Spleen Qi vacuity and disharmony of Chong and Ren Vessels
Tongue Pale red, thin white coat, swollen or reddish sides and tip
Pulse Wiry and thready
Branch Liver
Chinese name Xiao Yao Wan
English name Free and Easy Wanderer, 1 oz


Free and Easy Wanderer is a master harmonizing formula designed to restore equilibrium between the Wood and Earth phases of the Five Phases (wu xing), and the Constructive (ying) and Defensive (wei) Qi. Its mastery lies in the elegant construction of the prescription which employs a combination of antagonistic yet harmonious ingredients: warm and cool, sour and sweet, bitter and pungent, plus supplementing. Because Free and Easy Wanderer regulates the shao Yang channels (Triple Burner/Gallbladder), it is very useful in treating a weakened immune system. It is extremely useful in treating long term allergic patterns where there is Liver Qi depression. It can be used to treat emotional/psychological problems related to the Ethereal Soul (hun) as well as a broad range of gynecological disorders.


Chai hu - Bupleurum root; Bai shao - White peony root; Dang gui shen - Dong quai root; Fu ling - Poria; Bai zhu - White atractylodes rhizome; Gan cao - Chinese licorice root; Gan jiang - Dried ginger rhizome; Bo he - Chinese mint herb

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