Brand: Kan Traditionals

Traumease 1 ounce

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Product Description

Traumease, 1oz.

Unit Size1oz. Bottle
ContraindicationsContraindicated during pregnancy
Western SymptomologyOccasional menstrual discomfort
ActionsInvigorates and regulates the Blood, retrains the Blood, disperses accumulation, clears Wind
PatternBlood stasis, Heat, Damp Heat, Wind and/or Wind accumulation
TongueVarying; pink, pale purple or red body
PulseVarying; moderate, rapid, choppy or wiry
RecommendationsComplementary Formulas: Great Mender Formula, Meridian Comfort, Meridian Circulation
Chinese nameYu Nan Bai Yao
English nameTraumease


Invigorates and regulates the Blood, retrains the Blood, disperses accumulation, clears Wind. Supports recovery from any pattern than has blood stagnation or stasis at its root, supports healthy muscles and sinews, supports healthy blood circulation and skin.


Tian qi (Tienchi ginseng root and rhizome), Shan yao (Chinese yam rhizome), Pu huang tan (Charred bulrush pollen), Chuan shan long (Japanese dioscorea rhizome), Lao guan cao (Cranesbill herb), Di yu (Sanguisorba root), Ban zhi lian (Barbed skullcap herb), Bai hua she she cao (Oldenlandia herb)

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