Brand: Myco Herb

Tri-Forte 200 capsules

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Product Description

Tri-Forte, 200 caps

Unit Size: 200 capsules

Actions: Tonifies Qi and Blood without generating excess Heat or Dampness, strengthens the Lung, Liver and Heart, replenishes Kidney Yin, Yang, and Essence, lifts the spirit.

English name: Tri-Forte, 200 caps


Support a healthy respiratory system

Supports a healthy immune system

Supports healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Supports health and vitality, occasional weakness and fatigue

Supports overall strength and endurance

Supports a healthy digestive system

Supports recovery from long term illness

Supports fertility

Supports overall strength and endurance


Cordyceps (dong chong xia cao);

Reishi (ling zhi);

Shiitake (xiang gu)