Brand: Ortho Molecular

Natranix 4 ounce

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Product Description


Natranix includes a blend of all-natural botanical ingredients in a great-tasting respiratory support formula that provides immune support during seasonal changes.

Available In: Liquid

Clinical Applications

  • Supports Respiratory Health
  • Provides Immune Support During Seasonal Challenges
  • Great-Tasting Children's Liquid Formula


The human immune system is a complex network of millions of immune cells, which act together to protect the body from constant exposure to outside invaders. Most of the time, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy, but during certain times of the year, the immune system may require additional support. Studies have shown key ingredients in Natranix to be especially supportive to the immune system, as they include compounds that support respiratory health and normal mucus production, offering immediate support for children and adult immune challenges.

Natranix is an alcohol-free, great-tasting syrup formulated from natural botanicals, made to support respiratory health and boost children's immune function during seasonal challenges. This unique formula includes: echinacea, for its role in immune support; thyme, which helps balance mucus production; sage, for its soothing effect on lung tissue; elderberry, for its role in managing bronchial secretions and promoting immunity; and anise, to help loosen and expel excess mucus.

Suggested Use

Children 1 year and older: 1-2 teaspoons three to four times per day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Adults: 1 tablespoon three to four times per day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Ingredient Benefits


Research has shown echinacea to be beneficial for various aspects of immune health, including balancing microbial activity and pro-inflammatory cytokines.


Thyme has a long history of use in natural medicine in connection with chest and respiratory support. The health supporting effects of Thymol, its primary volatile oil, are well-documented. Thyme and its extracts have been found to relax respiratory muscles and and to possess microbial balancing properties.


Elderberry has been used for centuries to support upper respiratory health. Elderberry fruit preparations have been shown to provide antioxidant support and microbial balancing effects in vitro, and has been shown to have balancing effects across a broad range of microbial organisms.


Sage is approved by the German Commission E for external use in supporting the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. The botanical has been used historically to promote a healthy respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, mouth and skin. Studies have repeatedly shown it to possess microbial balancing effects.

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