Soft Tissue Support Pak 30 packets
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Ortho Molecular
Soft Tissue Support Pak includes a holistic approach to multiple nutritional needs that support the natural tissue recovery process.
Many types of physical stressors, including heavy exertion and training, can result in muscle fatigue and tightening. It is common for patients to take a product that addresses symptoms, not realizing they often have broader needs not addressed by their single product. With Soft Tissue Support Pak, patients are encouraged to take a holistic approach to their multiple nutritional needs to support the natural tissue recovery process.
1 packet per day or as recommended by your health care professional. Best if taken on an empty stomach. Take closer to a meal to improve tolerance.
Comprehensive Formula
Bromelain, Turmeric Root Extract (Curcumin), Trypsin, Amylase, Lipase, Lysozyme, Cellulase, Alpha Chymotrypsin
These ingredients combined bring a multi-pronged approach to long-term nutritional support for the body's healing process. For further information on specific ingredients, see Traumeric.
GABA, Glycine, Cramp Bark, Dong Quai Root Extract
Soft Tissue Support Pak employs some of the most effective natural ingredients for addressing minor post-workout muscle pain, tightness and fatigue. For more information about these ingredients, see GABAnol.
Natural Flavonoids
Quercetin, Hesperidin Complex, Hibiscus Flowers, Rutin
By promoting optimal capillary permeability and strength, the flavonoids in Soft Tissue Support Pak act to help improve comfort and recovery. Furthermore, flavonoids enhance the overall efficacy of the product through supporting tendon and ligament function.
How Enzymes Work
Enzyme supplementation has been used in numerous realms throughout the United States and Europe. Polyenzyme regimens have been used in sports-related settings following musculoskeletal stress. Vascuzyme is an enteric-coated tablet with high enzyme activity. The addition of quercetin and rutin set this multi-enzyme tablet apart from the rest.