Serene Spirit Teapills Formerly known as Calm Spirit Teapills 1000 teapills Economy Size
Plum Flower
In Stock
Serene Spirit Teapills may be used for emotional issues such as:
(Ye jiao teng, Fu xiao mai, Da zao, Fu ling, Bai he, Gan cao, He huan pi.)
Contains wheat. Allergen Information: *Contains wheat The ingredient Fu xiao mai (Triticum aestivum) is a type of wheat. Gluten test data available.
Contraindicated for conditions due to excess.
Contraindicated during the early stages of acute illness such as cold and flu, or during an acute infection.
Use with caution during pregnancy.
Serene Spirit Teapills product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Serene Spirit Teapills Online here at AcuAtlanta.net or our clinic.