Brand: TCMzone Singles

Ban Lan Gen 40 packets 2 grams

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Product Description

Ban Lan Gen

Brand: TCM Zone 5:1 Singles

English name: isatis root, woad root

Chinese name: Ban Lan Gen

Unit Size: box of 40/2 gm packets

Potency: 5:1 extract granules

Taste: Bitter - Bensky

Properties: Cold - Bensky

Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases with cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Stomach. - Bensky

Chinese Symptomology: Warm-heat pathogen diseases, warm epidemic disorders, mumps, painfu and swollen throat, damp-heat jaundice - Bensky

Actions: Drains heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, benefits the throat - Bensky

Pattern: Warm-heat pathogen disorder; Damp-heat jaundice - Bensky

Channels Entered: Heart, Lung, Stomach - Bensky

Ingredients: Ban Lan Gen - Isatis Radix

Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Drains heat, resolves fire toxicity, cools the blood, and benefits the throat: for warm-heat pathogen diseases, warm epidemic disorders, and painful, swollen throat conditions. Also for damp-heat jaundice.

Note: TCMZone products are intended to be used by those who are under the care and supervision of a LICENSED health care professional.

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