Brand: TCMzone Singles

Ban Xia (Fa) 100 grams

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Product Description

Ban Xia (Fa) Granules, 100g Bottle

Brand: TCM Zone Single Herb Granules in Bottles

English name: Pinellia Tuber (Licorice-cured)

Chinese name: Ban Xia (Fa)

Unit Size: 100g Bottle

Serving Size: As directed

Potency: 5:1 extract granules

Taste: Acrid - Bensky

Properties: Warm, Toxic - Bensky

Contraindications: As a warm and drying herb, it should be used with caution (if at all) in patients with dry cough from yin deficiency, sore throat from fire excess, or bleeding. - Bensky

Chinese Symptomology: cough with copious sputum, nausea and vomiting due to many causes including cold, thin mucus, Stomach deficiency, Stomach heat, or pregnancy; nodules, pressure, distention or pain due to phlegm and heat in the chest and apigastrium leading to a stifling, distended sensation in the epigastrium that is aggravated by pressure, coughing of viscous, yellow sputum. - Bensky

Actions: Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, and causes rebellious qi to descend; Direct rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting; Dissipates nodules and reduces clumps. - Bensky

Pattern: Cold-phlegm in the Lungs, Dampness of the Spleen, Stomach deficiency, Stomach heat, Phlegm lingering - Bensky

Channels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Stomach - Bensky


Ban Xia (Fa) - Pinellia Ternata (cured)

Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

  • Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, and causes rebelllious qi to descend: for cough with copious sputum, as in cold-phlegm in the Lungs. Especially effective for transforming phlegm due to dampness of the Spleen.
  • Directs rebellious qi downward and stops vomiting: for nausea and vomiting due to many causes including cold, thin mucus, Stomach deficiency, Stomach heat, or pregnancy.
  • Dissipates nodules and reduces clumps: for nodules, pressure, distention, or pain due to phlegm lingering in the chest, phlegm nodules in the neck (such as goiter and scrofula), or obstruction caused by phlegm anywhere in the body. Also for focal distention in the chest and epigastrium.

Pinellia Rhizoma preparatum (zhi ban xia) is acrid, warm, and toxic if untreated, and enters the Spleen and Stomach channels. It is especially dispersing and drying, and because it is slippery and directs rebellious qi downward, it restores the normal descent of Stomach qi when it is rebelling upward. It eliminates water and dampness, both by drying and by dispersing; and through its ability to direct qi downward, it harmonizes the Stomach and stops nausea, hiccough, and a sensation of fullness in the hypochondrium. This Pinellia Rhizoma perparatum (zhi ban xia) is most often used for treating Spleen dampness producing profuse, clear, thin sputum with cough, or phlegm and dampness rising upward causing palpitations, insomnia, vertigo, and loss of mental clarity, or the previously mentioned Stomach symptoms. Because of its efficacy in directing rebellious qi downward and transforming phlegm, it is often combined with other substances for treating cough and dyspnea from phlegm-dampness and heat, or nausea from Stomach heat or weakness, morning sickness, and phlegm-dampness entering the collaterals and causing nodes of phlegm. (from Chinese Herbal Materia Medica, 3rd ed by Bensky)

Note: TCMZone products are intended to be used by those who are under the care and supervision of a LICENSED health care professional.

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