Jin Yin Hua 100 g
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Evergreen Single Herbs - Powder
Brand: TCM Zone Single Herb Granules in Bottles
English name: Honeysuckle Flower, lonicera
Chinese name: Jin Yin Hua Granules
Unit Size: 100g Bottle
Potency: 5:1 extract granules
Taste: Sweet
Properties: Cold
Chinese Symptomology: Hot, painful sores and swellings in various stages of development, especially of the breast, throat, or eyes;Intestinal abscess;Fever, slight sensitivity to wind, sore throat, and headache;Summerheat;Damp-heat dysenteric disorder;Painful urinary dribbling--Bensky
Actions: Disperses heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, stops bleeding (if charred) - Bensky
Pattern: Heat and fire toxicity; Externally contracted wind-heat; Warm-heat pathogen diseases; Damp-heat in the lower burner
Branch: Large Intestine, Lung, Stomach
Jin Yin Hua - Lonicerae Flos
Sweet, cold, and lightweight so that it affects the upper body, Lonicerae Flos (jin yin hua) resolves toxicity by dispersing pathogenic heat and cooling heat in the Stomach and Lungs. While it is not emphasized nowadays, this herb also tonifies deficiency, enriches the blood, and alleviates thirst. Encountering the Sources of the Classic of Materia Medica says that it "resolves toxicity and expels pus; within its draining is tonfication, and it is a sage-like herb for sore that have perforated." - Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Note: TCMZone products are intended to be used by those who are under the care and supervision of a LICENSED health care professional.