She Chuang Zi 100 g
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Evergreen Single Herbs - Powder
Brand: TCM Zone
English name: Cnidium Fruit Granules
Chinese name: She Chuang Zi Granules
Unit Size: 100g Bottle
Potency: 5:1 extract granules
Taste: Acrid, bitter - Bensky
Properties: Warm, slightly toxic - Bensky
Contraindications: Should not be taken orally in cases of damp-heat in the lower burner or yin deficiency with heat signs. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology: Weeping/itchy skin lesions (especially in the genital region); Vaginal discharge due to cold-dampness; Lower back pain due to wind-cold-dampness affecting the Kidneys and Governing Vessel; Impotence or infertility (male or female) due to Kidney deficiency or cold Womb. - Bensky
Actions: Strongly warms the Kidney yang, dries dampness, kills parasites, stops itching - Bensky
Pattern: Dampness; Cold-dampness; Kidney deficiency; Cold Womb - Bensky
Channels Entered: Kidney - Bensky
She Chuang Zi - Cnidii Fructus
Excerpted from Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica
Note: TCMZone products are intended to be used by those who are under the care and supervision of a LICENSED health care professional.