Brand: Treasure of the East - Single Herbs

Bai Bu (Zhi) Granules 100 grams 5:1 concentration

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Product Description

Treasure of the East Bai Bu (Zhi) Granules

Bai Bu (Zhi) Granules, also known as Stemona Root, moistens the Lungs, stops cough, expels parasites and kills lice.

BrandTreasure of the East Single Herb Extract Granules
English nameStemona Root (prepared) Granules
Unit Size100 grams (5:1 extract granules)
TasteSweet, bitter
PropertiesSlightly warm
ContraindicationsLoose stools from deficiency
Chinese SymptomologyAcute and Chronic Cough; Parasites and Lice (topical application; Pinworm (topical wash at night)
ActionsMoistens the Lungs and stops cough; Expels parasites and kills lice
PatternCough from deficiency including yin deficiency; Parasites and lice
IngredientsZhi Bai Bu - Stemona Radix preparata

This herb excels at directing qi downward to alleviate all types of cough, particularly chronic and deficient types.

Concentrated powders of natural herbal products tend to absorb moisture from the air. Hence, it is necessary for the manufacturer to add a suitable amount of excipient to stabilize the concentrated herbal products. Non-GMO starch which contains maltodextrin, are used as excipients.

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