Product Description
Treasure of the East Bai He (Chuan) Granules
Bai He (Chuan) Granules, also known as Lilii Bulbus is a Chinese herb used for the patterns of Lung-heat, Dry Lung, and insufficiency of Yin.
Sweet and moistening, Lilii Bulbus (bai he) enriches the Lung yin slightly bitter and cold, it clears the Heart, drains, and clarifies while directing downward. It is best for moistening the Lungs to stop coughs, and clearing the Heart to quiet the spirit. --From Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Unit Size:
100 grams (5:1 extract granules)
Serving Size:
As directed
Sweet, slightly bitter
slightly cold
Allergic reactions have been reported with such symptoms as irritability, palpitations, tidal flushes, discomfort when sitting or lying, general formication, more intense in the head area. In these reports, symptoms disappeared spontaneously after about
Concentrated powders of natural herbal products tend to absorb moisture from the air. Hence, it is necessary for the manufacturer to add a suitable amount of excipient to stabilize the concentrated herbal products. Non-GMO starch which contains maltodextrin, are used as excipients.
Bai He
Lung-heat Dry Lung Lung heat that has injured the yin Aftermath of a febrile illness Insufficiency of yin
Heart, Lung