Brand: Vitanica

FemRebalance 60 capsules

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Product Description

FemRebalance ~ Hormone Balance Support ~ 60

FemRebalance is designed to promote a woman's normal hormone profile. There are many reasons the endocrine system becomes disrupted and this formula offers support to 'reset' hormone levels.

Product Description

FemRebalance is designed to promote a woman's normal hormone profile. There are many reasons the endocrine system becomes disrupted and this formula offers support to 'reset' hormone levels.

Featured Ingredients:

  • Borage Oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which research shows to be beneficial in supporting hormonal balance for women
  • Botanicals promoting regular ovulation and overall hormone balance support: Chaste tree berry, Licorice, Black cohosh
  • Maca root is included for overall tonic support for the endocrine system
  • Traditional herbal support comes from Vervain and Sarsaparilla, both of which have a history of tonic support for women's menstrual cycles
  • Rhodiola is included for adaptogenic and antioxidant support, especially helpful after cleansing or when hormones are out of balance


Formulated to restore and reset a woman's hormone profile, especially after a detox protocol, after discontinuing birth control pills, when finished breastfeeding, during perimenopause to ease the transitional time and numerous other situations that upset the balance of the endocrine system.

Suggested Use:

2 capsules per day


Avoid use of this product if pregnant, nursing or if you have high blood pressure or are being treated for high blood pressure. Avoid if bipolar.

FemRebalance 60 capsules