Brand: Desbio

Leaky Gut Formula 1 ounce

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Clinic Approval Needed

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Product Description

Leaky Gut Formula by DesBio



Homeopathic Indications: Leaky Gut Formula is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to leaky gut syndrome such as fatigue, seasonal allergies, joint pain, occasional constipation, mental fogginess and occasional diarrhea.


1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.


  • Alfalfa (3X)
  • Fragaria (3X)
  • Glycyrrhiza (3X)
  • Aloe (4X)
  • Astacus (6X)
  • Berber Aqui (6X)
  • Lac Deflor (6X)
  • Nat Carb (6X)
  • Saccharum Off (6X)
  • Fel Tauri (8X)
  • Pancreas (8X)
  • Pepsinum (8X)
  • Antimon Crud (12X)
  • Carbo Veg (12X)
  • Euphorbium (12X)
  • Lycopodium (12X)
  • Mag Carb (12X)
  • Zinc Met (12X)
  • Colibacillinum (15X 30X 60X 100X 200X)
  • Proteus (Mirabilis) (15X 30X 60X 100X 200X)