Brand: Desbio

Lymph / Spleen Combination 1 ounce

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Product Description

Lymph/Spleen Combo



Homeopathic Indications: Lymph / Spleen Combination is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to lymphatic and spleen malfunction including lack of energy, lethargy, weakness and poor muscle tone, poor appetite and sense of taste, poor digestion, loose and watery stools, and poor concentration.


1-10 drops under the tongue, 3 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.


  • Juniperus Com (3X)
  • Quercus Gland Sp (4X)
  • Myosotis (6X 12X)
  • Nat Sulphuricum (6X 12X 30X)
  • Ceanothus (6X 12X 30X 200C)
  • Helianthus (6X 12X 30X 200C)
  • Nat Mur (6X 12X 30X 200C)
  • Phytolacca (8X)
  • Lymph Node (8X 12X)
  • Spleen (8X 12X)
  • Thymus (8X 12X)
  • Chininum Arsenicosum (8X 12X 30C)
  • ATP (12X 30X)
  • Ubidecarenonum (12X 30X)
  • Ferrum Met (30X)
  • Succinum (30X)
  • Castanea Vesca (4C)
  • Apis Mel (200C)