Brand: Desbio

Perfect Sleep 1 ounce

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Product Description

Perfect Sleep Tablets



Homeopathic Indications: Perfect Sleep Tablets is for the temporary relief of the symptoms of sleeplessness such as tiredness, fatigue, and lack of energy.


One tablet three times daily or as directed by a health professional.


  • Adenosinum Triphosphoricum Dinatrum (8X)
  • Pantothenic Acid (8X)
  • Pineal Gland (8X)
  • Sarcolacticum Acidum (8X)
  • Ubidecarenonum (8X)
  • Melatonin (8X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C)
  • Pyrrole (8X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C)
  • Tryptophan (8X 12X 30X 200X 12C 30C 60C 200C)
  • Arsenicum Album (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Avena Sativa (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Chamomilla (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Coffea Cruda (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Mercurius Corrosivus (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Passiflora Incarnata (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Silicea (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Zincum Valerianicum (10X 30X 1LM)
  • Dysentery bacillus (30C)
  • Gaertner Bacillus (30C)