Brand: Far East Summit Chinese Classics

Ma Zi Ren Wan 32 oz

MSRP: $252.00
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Product Description

Far East Summit Chinese Classics Ma Zi Ren Wan 32 oz

Ma Zi Ren Wan, also known as Apricot & Rhubarb Combination moistens the intestines, clears dryness and heat and disinhibits the Qi of the Stomach.

Product Description

Ma Zi Ren Wan, 32 oz

BrandFar East Summit Chinese Classics
English nameLinum Seed Formula
Unit Size32 fl oz bottle
ContraindicationsIt is not for a pregnant woman.
Chinese SymptomologyFrequent urination; stools very dry and firm; habitual constipation in convalescent elderlies or those with delicate constitution.
ActionsMoistens the intestine, clears dryness and heat, disinhibits qi of the stomach & intestine promoting passage of stool.
PatternDry Heat in the Intestines and a lack of secretion of Fluids; it is an emollient especially suitable for elderly persons.
TongueUsually has a yellow and dry coating.
PulseUsually deep, rapid or hesitant.
IngredientsLinum seed, Chinese Rhubarb rhizome, Armeniaca seed, White Peony root, Immature Bitter Orange fruit, Magnolia Bark.

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