Brand: Sun Ten Formulas

Ma Zi Ren Wan 100 gm


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Product Description

Sun Ten Ma Zi Ren Wan Apricot Seed & Linum Formula 100 grams

Ma Zi Ren Wan, also known as Apricot Seed and Linum Formula moistens the intestines, promotes bowel movements, and purges heat.

What Ma Zi Ren Wan is Best For

Ma Zi Ren Wan is recommended for people with constipation, dry mouth, and frequent urination.

Sun Ten Ma Zi Ren Wan may be used for the following:

  • Mouth-Dry
  • Stool-Constipation
  • Stool-Constipation (Post-Illness)
  • Stool-Habitual Constipation (Elderly)
  • Thirst
  • Urination-Frequent

TCM Functions

  • Moisten the intestines
  • Promote bowel movements
  • Purge heat
  • Intestines-Dry
  • Stomach-Yin Deficient

Ma Zi Ren History

Ma Zi Ren translates as Hemp Seed Pill is a milder version of Xiao Cheng Qi Tang. It is formulated by reducing the dosage of the strongest laxative herbs and by including more nourishing herbs.

Ma Zi Ren Wan Ingredient Functions

Huo Ma Ren: hemp seed moistens stools and relieves constipation

Xing Ren: apricot seed moistens stools and stops cough

Bai Shao: peony root boosts energy and relieves abdominal pain

Da Huang: rhubarb root that acts as a strong laxative in order to expel impacted stool

Hou Po: this bark balances digestion, relieving bloating

Zhi Shi: this bitter fruit relieves indigestion and constipation

Ma Zi Ren Wan Serving Size

2-4 grams, two times a day.

Ma Zi Ren Wan Ingredients

Concentrated powders of natural herbal products tend to absorb moisture from the air. Hence, it is necessary for the manufacturer to add a suitable amount of excipient to stabilize the concentrated herbal products. Non-GMO starch are used as excipients.

Fructus Cannabis (ma zi ren) Chinese rhubarb root & rhizome (da huang),Bitter orange young fruit (zhi shi),Magnolia stem, twig, and root bark (hou pu),Chinese peony root without bark (shao yao), Apricot seed (xing ren).

Ma Zi Ren Side Effects

Consult your healthcare provider.

Ma Zi Ren Where to Buy

Ma Zi Ren product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Ma Zi Ren Online here at or our clinic.

Ma Zi Ren Wan 100 gm Reviews