Product Description
Health Concerns Adrenosen
Adrenosen is an adrenal cortex herbal supplement tonyfiying qi and kidney yang and drains dampness.
To learn more about this formula on our blog, read here.
What it Adrenosen Best For
Adrenosen is recommended for people with adrenal deficiency, fatigue, and burn-out.
Adrenosen may be used for the following symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Adrenal deficiency
- Burn-out, accompanied by aching, pain and digestive disturbances
- Lack of energy
- Dry coughing
- Indigestion
- Belching
- Food Cravings
- Poor appetite
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Headache
TCM Function
- Tonify Qi and kidney yang
- Drain dampness
How Adrenosen Works
Adrenosen by Health Concerns Chinese Herbs is a formula that relieves burnout, and is based on an ancient Chinese remedy. The American lifestyle is often stressful with a diet that frequently contains greasy, salty, and sweet foods. If prolonged without adequate replenishment and rejuvenation, heat conditions may develop.
Symptoms include lack of energy, mental sluggishness, nervousness, fatigue, indigestion, acid regurgitation, belching, food cravings or poor appetite, headache, and constipation/diarrhea.
Adrenal extracts have been used since the 1930s for cases of low adrenal function with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. As Adrenosen contains the cortex, it may be considered experimentally for cases of allergy and inflammation.
Pseudostellaria (tai zi shen) replenishes energy stores and helps generate fluids.
Dioscorea (shan yao) regulates the intestines it also helps alleviate body aches and pains.
Dolichos (bia bian dou) settles the stomach and reduces heat.
Schizandra (wu wei zi) addresses insomnia, forgetfulness, poor concentration, anxiety, and supports normal blood sugar levels.
Oryza (gu ya) directs the other ingredients to the intestines, liver, and gallbladder, and helps support the digestive system.
Adrenosen Serving Size
Internal: 2 to 3 capsules three times per day, between meals. Rapid effect can be realized for acute conditions; chronic ailments may require at least two days for effect to be noted.
90 capsules, 750mg, 15 day supply
Contraindications: May be too warming a formula for some individuals.
Adrenosen Ingredients
Three capsules contain: Adrenal Cortex (Adrenal Cortex 600 mg), PAK (Pyridoxal alpha Ketoglutarate 300mg) and Chinese herbs (1,350mg): Pseudostellaria root (tai zi shen), Dioscorea root (shan yao), Dolichos seed (bai bian dou), Schizandra fruit (wu wei zi), Oryza sprout (gu ya)
Adrenosen Side Effects
Consult your healthcare provider.
Adrenosen Where to Buy
Adrenosen product is available only from licensed healthcare professionals. Buy Adrenosen Online here at AcuAtlanta.net or our clinic.