Brand: Kan Traditionals

Augmented Plum Pit Qi 120 tablets

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Product Description

Augmented Plum Pit Qi, 120 tablets

Unit Size120
ContraindicationsContraindicated for patients who present with a flushed face, bitter taste in the mouth, and a red tongue with little coating. Contradicted during pregnancy.
Chinese SymptomologyQi stagnation
Western SymptomologyStifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region; possible esophageal spasms; coughing and/or vomiting; anxiety, palpitations, and insomnia
ActionsPromotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit
PatternRebellious Qi, constrained Lung and Stomach Qi, Damp Phlegm and Liver Qi stagnation
TongueMoist or Greasy White Coat that may be thick
PulseWiry and Slippery or Wiry and Slow
Chinese nameBan Xia Hou Po Tang
English nameAugmented Plum Pit Qi, 120 tablets


Augmented Plum Pit Qi moves stagnant Qi, clearing emotional upset and anxiety. Over a period of time, unexpressed emotions damage the Spirit or Shen and impede the harmonious interaction of internal organs - both their functionality and their normal directions of movement. Qi stagnates and the Stomach and the Lungs are unable to move energy downward. When Rebellious Qi rises, fluids are not properly transformed and transported, leading to the accumulation of Phlegm in the throat and chest. The patient frequently complains of a feeling of constriction or obstruction in the chest, hypochondriac pain and, in some cases, coughing and/or vomiting.

Augmented Plum Pit Qi elegantly addresses this pattern by transforming Phlegm, moving stagnant Qi, dissolving clumps, redirecting Rebellious Qi downwards, harmonizing the Middle Burner and soothing the emotions. (Kan Herb Company)


Fa ban xia (Licorice cured pinellia rhizome); Huo po (Magnolia bark); Fu ling (Poria); Gan jiang (Dried ginger rhizome); Zi su ye (Perilla leaf); Chai Hu (Buplerum root); Xiang fu (Cyperus rhizome); Qing pi (Tangerine dried rind of green fruit); Yu jin (Tumeric root tuber); Yuan zhi (da) (Polygala root)

Augmented Plum Pit Qi 120 tablets Reviews