Brand: Kan Traditionals

Breathease 60 tablets

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Product Description

BreathEase, 60 Tablets

Unit Size60 Tablets
ContraindicationsDo not use with patterns of Wind Cold invasion or Cold in the Lungs
Western SymptomologyOccasional breathlessness after exposure to wind or allergen
ActionsRedirects rebellious Qi downward, clears Heat from the Lungs, transforms Phlegm, mitigates Lung Qi rebellion
PatternRebellious Lung Qi, Phlegm Heat accumulation in the Lungs with concurrent possible Wind Cold invasion
TongueGreasy, yellow coat, possible red tongue body
PulseSlippery, rapid, possibly superficial
RecommendationsComplementary Formulas: Antiphlogistic Formula, Qing Fei Clearing Formula, Pinellia Phlegm Dispersing Formula
Chinese nameDing Chuan Tang
English nameBreathEase


Redirects rebellious Qi downward, clears Heat from the Lungs, transforms Phlegm, mitigates Lung Qi rebellion. Supports a healthy respiratory system, Supports healthy Lungs


Bai guo (Ginkgo seed), Sang bai pi (White mulberry root bark), Jie geng (Platycodon root), Zi su zi (Perilla fruit), Jiang ban xia (Ginger cured pinellia rhizome), Xing ren (Apricot seed), Huang qin (Chinese skullcap root), Zhi bai bu (Honey fried stemona root), Gan cao (Chinese licorice root and rhizome), Zi wan (Purple aster root and rhizome), Bai qian (Cynanchum root & rhizome)