Brand: Kan Traditionals

Warm the Stomach 2 ounce

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Product Description

Warm the Stomach, 2oz.

Unit Size2oz. Bottle
ContraindicationsContraindicated in pregnancy. Contraindicated with Yin or Blood deficiency.
Western SymptomologyOccasional sensation of heaviness of the limbs, lethargy, tendency to be easily fatigued or an increased desire to sleep, Occasional loss of taste
ActionsDried Dampness, tonifies the Spleen Qi, regulates the Qi, harmonizes the Stomach
PatternDamp Cold stagnation in the Middle Burner
TongueSwollen with a thick, white, greasy coat
PulseModerate to slippery
RecommendationsComplementary Formulas: Wei Te Ling, Liver Flow, Digestive Harmony Formula
Chinese namePing Wei San
English nameWarm the Stomach


Dried Dampness, tonifies the Spleen Qi, regulates the Qi, harmonizes the Stomach. Supports a healthy digestive system, supports healthy gastrointestinal function.


Cang zhu (Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome), Hou po (Magnolia bark), Chen pi (Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit), Gan cao (Chinese licorice root and rhizome), Shen qu (Medicated leaven [wheat, apricot seed]), Chao mai ya (Dry fried barley sprout), Hong zao (Red jujube fruit), Gan jiang (Ginger rhizome)

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