Product Description
Pine Mountain Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Gentiana & Chrysanthemum Formula
What Long Dan Xie Gan Wan is Best For
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan may be used for the following:
- Migraine
- Eye pain
- Warts
- Hiccups
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
TCM Function
- Drains excess fire from the liver and the gallbladder
- Clears and drains damp-heat from the lower jiao
- Clears damp-heat from the San Jiao
How Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Works
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Serving Size
3-4 tabs : 2-3 times per day
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Ingredients
Pin YinEnglishPercentageLong Dan CaoGentiana12%Ju HuaChrysanthemum12%Huang QinScutellaria12%Ze XieAlisma10%Zhi Zi (Shan)Gardenia10%Che Qian ZiPlantago Seed10%Dang Gui (Shen)Tangkuei10%Sheng Di HuangRehmannia (Fresh)8%Chai HuBupleurum8%Gan CaoLicorice8%
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan Side Effects
Consult your healthcare provider.