Product Description
Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji
Isatis Root Combination Instant Herbal Beverage
Other Product Names: Fufang Nanbanlangen Chongji
Standard Dosage: Dissolve 1 packet in 1 cup of hot water 3 x daily as needed
Ingredients: Baphicacanthus cusia root, Taraxacum mongolicum herb, Viola yedoensis herb
Ingredients (Pin Yin): Nan ban lan gen, Pu gong ying, Zi hua di ding
Other Ingredients: Cane sugar
Label Warning: Contains sugar - diabetics use with caution
TCM Functions: Clears Heat, Expels Toxic-Heat, Benefits the Throat, Invigorates the Blood
Contraindications (all): Use with caution in hemorrhagic disorders or with patients on anti-coagulant therapy.